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  1. #391
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Wow. DjI drops more thqn 300 pts last night. Is it time to buy some bank shares?

  2. #392
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    The Sunday times FRONT page news.
    GLOBAL sell-off sparks fears of sharper economic slowdown.

    A sad day for many retail investors. Many are losing hard earn money. They still don't know the world stock market is manipulated after investing for so many years. Keep repeating the same mistakes again & again. GOLDMAN SACH is the smartest strategist . They knows how to make billions of dollars through manipulation.

    Fool me ONCE , shame on YOU.
    Fool me TWICE, shame on ME.
    Fool me 3RD TIME,SO STUPID I am.
    Fool me the FOURTH TIME, I need to be CONDEMNED.
    Fool me the FIFTTH TIME, SIX TIME ... I am really a hopeless GAMBLER, not a investor. The final tragedy hopeless GAMBLER stage will bring financial disaster to his/her family

    Remember MUST be patience to invest.
    君子报仇,十年未晚. If U understand this Chinese proverb. U will be a successful investor.

    When a investor want to be rich in investing stock, ten years is not long late to wait; one should bide one’s time and wait for the right opportunity to seek buy when there is blood in the street

    I always take note of what UOB older CEO on the his speech or what UOB mgmt. did. With UOB mgmt. suddenly removing LTV for all unit trust last week.
    That make me very nervous.Now I am more nervous now as compare to Aug15 (RMB devaluation- big correction) due to the oil prices drastic drop
    which is being manipulated.

    When I invest, I also sometimes (once a year) go to see fortunate teller for some direction on my investment. Not 100% believe but some guidance only.
    He says I am a risk taker. Bet big win big. Bet big can lose very big. Must know when to let go. He advises me avoid investment in the Nov15 to Feb16.
    Ask me to trust him. But I did pump in close to S$2m in dual currency due 14Dec15 which is less risky due to my observation. All should all OK by 14 dec15.
    I did reduce my bond holding DRASRICALLY in the last 3 mths instead of buying( switch out & in =one to one) again for those bond I sold off.

    So whatever profit I make. I did not reinvest all but keep pumping into my families CPF (include son). CPF monies is my last level of defence in case I really
    so screw up my investment as I know I may make the same mistakes again. We are human being . Stupid mistakes sometimes do occur again without U
    knowing until it is a bit late (hopefully not too late).

    My last 5 years investment in bond has been screwed by Trikomsel (default on coupon) .How can one of the largest phone distributors in Indonesia can
    just declared default When they just issued a 2nd tranches of bond 7.875% in less than a year & Softbank invested S$120m etc & some biz with Singpost . Softbank + singpost is just like "SMOKE grenade " to confuse investors. The fixed income expert & individual fund mgr also invested their own $ what I
    know through other bank bankers & my friends. So better stay with SG blue blue chip companies like HDB , LTA , SMART , capland , capmall , CDL , SIA ,
    Kepcorp etc etc which can ride through big crisis. Now in the process of nego & hopefully can get back $ in 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 etc yrs time.

    Be patience to invest.
    君子报仇,十年未晚. If U understand this Chinese proverb. U will be a successful investor.

    When a investor want to be rich in investing stock, ten years is not long late to wait; one should bide one’s time
    and wait for the right opportunity to seek buy when there is blood in the street.

    Investing in crisis time can be really rewarding and it will shortened your journey to Financial Freedom

  3. #393
    Join Date
    May 2012


    When I saw how a top 4 bank in US can default and how fortunes shift tremendously in electronics and handphones, I knew then the hidden volatility is not for me even though I always gained from skirmishes with cash reserves.
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  4. #394
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    oil have drop to $35. looks like USD will be up and all the commodities dependent countries will be bleeding.
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  5. #395
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    SPH is still the king of stock in SG. Did not drop alot.
    Boring stock but safe & sound.
    Range bound between 4-4.30 for the past two yrs.
    After dividend payout of $0.13 on 8 Dec15.
    The price is still 3.90. (XD)
    Outperform STI index.
    Truly at King of stock in SG.

  6. #396
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    King of "unmovable" stock in SG?

    We can also read it another way: Such stock will NOT make us much profit in terms of capital gains - So I pass!

    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    After dividend payout of $0.13 on 8 Dec15.
    The price is still 3.90. (XD)
    Outperform STI index.
    Truly at King of stock in SG.

  7. #397
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    King of "unmovable" stock in SG?

    We can also read it another way: Such stock will NOT make us much profit in terms of capital gains - So I pass!
    This stock is more for low risk investor looking for low volatility & income of about 4% ($0.20 Dividend). It has outperformed STI index.

  8. #398
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Vic...would you sharing who is your fortune 师傅

  9. #399
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Laguna View Post
    Vic...would you sharing who is your fortune 师傅
    I was going to Suntec 'for electronic fair at level 4 in Nov15. He just rent a small stall at Suntec level one for 2-3 days.
    I think he is not famous as I can recognise those famous fortune teller that appear in TV . It is affordable at $20 for est 8mins.
    I have thrown away his name card.

    I saw a Thai monk fortune teller in 2005. His prediction is 100% come true. At that time (2005), I was single with NO GIRLFRIEND
    at all. I thought I will be single forever as my expectation is high. He said that I will get marry very soon & will have 2 kids.I really
    get marry super fast (5 mths time) & have 2 kids 7 seven later.

  10. #400
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    I was going to Suntec 'for electronic fair at level 4 in Nov15. He just rent a small stall at Suntec level one for 2-3 days.
    I think he is not famous as I can recognise those famous fortune teller that appear in TV . It is affordable at $20 for est 8mins.
    I have thrown away his name card.

    I saw a Thai monk fortune teller in 2005. His prediction is 100% come true. At that time (2005), I was single with NO GIRLFRIEND
    at all. I thought I will be single forever as my expectation is high. He said that I will get marry very soon & will have 2 kids.I really
    get marry super fast (5 mths time) & have 2 kids 7 seven later.
    Your Thai monk really zhun ya.

    As i remember i read somewhere in your post, you have even contributed some $$ into your boy's cpf account, how can this be done? He must be quite young now, below 15? Can you enlighten

  11. #401
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Werther View Post
    Your Thai monk really zhun ya.

    As i remember i read somewhere in your post, you have even contributed some $$ into your boy's cpf account, how can this be done? He must be quite young now, below 15? Can you enlighten
    2 boys below 10. Just go to CPF board to take the right form to fill in.
    Ask the staff. photocopy birth cert + cheque & pass it to the staff.
    No queue needed. Max $31450 per year as CPF does not wants the
    rich to deposit hundred of thousand into their children or own CPF acct.

    If a person in late 40s or early 50s. Right time to contribute EXCESS or SPARE
    CASH into the CPF (max $31.45k per yr).

    My relative who is a ppty agent (>20 yrs) does not believe in CPF min sum system.
    Guess what. He uses his CASH to invest into stock. Lose >100k in the last
    5 yrs.

  12. #402
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    [QUOTE=cbsh38584;513387]2 boys below 10. Just go to CPF board to take the right form to fill in.
    Ask the staff. photocopy birth cert + cheque & pass it to the staff.
    No queue needed. Max $31450 per year as CPF does not wants the
    rich to deposit hundred of thousand into their children or own CPF acct.

    If a person in late 40s or early 50s. Right time to contribute EXCESS or SPARE
    CASH into the CPF (max $31.45k per yr).

    My relative who is a ppty agent (>20 yrs) does not believe in CPF min sum system.
    Guess what. He uses his CASH to invest into stock. Lose >100k in the last
    5 yrs.[/QUOTE)

    Hi Cbsh
    Thanks for the clarifications.
    Isn't the $$ got stuck in the boys' cpf and cant take out unless they reach 21 and use it to purchase their first property.
    So the $$ to put into CPF is for saving and to enjoy the high interest given by CPF?

  13. #403
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    2 boys below 10. Just go to CPF board to take the right form to fill in.
    Ask the staff. photocopy birth cert + cheque & pass it to the staff.
    No queue needed. Max $31450 per year as CPF does not wants the
    rich to deposit hundred of thousand into their children or own CPF acct.

    If a person in late 40s or early 50s. Right time to contribute EXCESS or SPARE
    CASH into the CPF (max $31.45k per yr).

    My relative who is a ppty agent (>20 yrs) does not believe in CPF min sum system.
    Guess what. He uses his CASH to invest into stock. Lose >100k in the last
    5 yrs.[/QUOTE)

    Hi Cbsh
    Thanks for the clarifications.
    Isn't the $$ got stuck in the boys' cpf and cant take out unless they reach 21 and use it to purchase their first property.
    So the $$ to put into CPF is for saving and to enjoy the high interest given by CPF?

    This is a long term planning & U need to have some excess to be able to contribute at ease. If
    not, Pls do not contribute into your children CPF. Contribute only into your CPF acct will do. I
    am slowly contributing into my sons CPF. FYI, the rich which have ton of excess CASH are
    pumping money (max $31.45k per yr) into their children CPF.

    Many parents include my sister are using their CPF to pay for their children ITE , poy & university
    education . But it must pay back into their CPF with accured interest later on. I believe my children
    can use their own CPF to pay for their poly or ITE education & local university. Need to confirm again
    with CPF board.

    At age 21, they can use it to purchase their 1st ppty.

    For me, instead of buying endowment fund for my children which the return est 2-3+% (projection) for 15 to 20 yrs.
    I am contribute more into their CPF acct earning higher compounded interest & guarantee.

    Currently, my son private medical insurance (PMI) premium is deducted from my medisave acct.
    At age 18, the deduction can be switched over to their own medisave acct.

    Take note - CPF interest rate may or may not stay at the current rate. can be lower or higher
    3.5% for 1st 20k for OA
    The excess is 2.5% (above 20k onward)

    5% for the 1st 40k for SA
    The excess is 4% ( above 40k onward)

    4% for medisave.

  14. #404
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    where to find such rates at no risk? I thin CPF is for folks who do not know what to do and don't want risk.
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  15. #405
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Cancer is The No. 1 Killer In Singapore
    Cancer kills the rich , the poor , the smart ones , old & young etc.

    GREED is the NO. 1 Killer when comes to investing.
    GREED kills the rich, the poor , the high IQ , the old & young. They
    don't discriminate. If your GREED factor is high. It will kill u sooner or later.

  16. #406
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Greed itself is not the killer, the real killer is wrong timing. When to be greedy and when not to be.

  17. #407
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen View Post
    Greed itself is not the killer, the real killer is wrong timing. When to be greedy and when not to be.
    When a person is full of GREED. It make him very impatience as he wants to get rich fast. There is where the wrong timing comes.

  18. #408
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    I have seen too many people committing financial suicide (also a real suicide). Our worst enemy is mostly ourself.

  19. #409
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Bought (A$51k) BHP during the "commodity FEAR period " at "extreme FEAR PRICE" A$61.62 on 18Dec15.
    Today sold @A$18.30 at 10% profit.

    I should have bought STD chart during the "extreme fear time" pound$480. I hesitate . Now price is pound$580.
    A 20% up within 10 days. What a waste opportunity for me. Next year will have more of this "FEAR" price as
    it will be very volatile .

  20. #410
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    2016 will be a very tough year. We need a lot love to overcome this slowdown.
    Hopefully by end 2016, it will slowly see some light & pick up in our SG growth.

  21. #411
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    2016 will be a very tough year. We need a lot love to overcome this slowdown.
    Hopefully by end 2016, it will slowly see some light & pick up in our SG growth.
    Bro cbsh

    In your opinion, what would you advise not so financial savvy people to do? I still don't understand bonds, but share also get stuck.. Maybe I want o put my money in dual currency ....

  22. #412
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Who can I make voluntary contributions (VC) for?

    You can make VC for your employees who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents.

    What is the CPF Annual Limit?

    ​The CPF Annual Limit is the maximum amount of mandatory and voluntary contributions to all three CPF Accounts that a CPF member can receive in a calendar year. The current CPF Annual Limit is $31,450. From 1 Jan 2016, the CPF Annual Limit will be revised to $37,740.

  23. #413
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Werther View Post
    Bro cbsh

    In your opinion, what would you advise not so financial savvy people to do? I still don't understand bonds, but share also get stuck.. Maybe I want o put my money in dual currency ....

    You are not financial savvy due to your lack of knowledge. Read more book on Peter Lynn or Warren book etc.
    Look out for any GOOD stock investor forum like But don't follow blindly
    He is not god. Everybody makes mistakes particular on the entry timing.

    Just remember. TOP KILLER iS GREED. Investing requires a lot of patience. If U buy during fear period or "FEAR price".
    U should be quite safe. NEVER NEVER buy penny stock. Just buy blue chip.

    I believe your risk profile is between low to moderate risk. So just concentrate on blue chip like SPH, Singtel , banks stock
    etc. Buy some fulleration income fund 3%+ & 1st state dividend fund (3-4%) through online. Buy (10k) some safe retail bond
    like capitalmall trust 3.08% due 2021 which is Buy & hold type.

    Have you check your CPF online statement ? A few thousand of dollars has been credited into your CPF.
    So why not contribute some excess money into your CPF. Never never use CPF to pay for your housing loan
    if you are very comfortable to afford to use CASH (more than enough CASH) to pay. CPF monies is our
    last defence for our retirement in case we really screw out our investment.

    My brother-in-law's brother works for a foreign bank. He is a vice president of a FX dept. Making a lot
    of money for himself. But one very very bad trade (GREED). It wipe out >10 over year of profit + more losses within
    months. Difficult to start all over again. But luckily he still have huge amount of his CPF money which can help him
    to retire.

    Make sure your insurance are being covered.
    Term CI insurance (cheaper) instead of whole life + CI insurance. The money you save can put it into your CPF which
    earn compounded interest.

    PMI - Private medical insurance from great eastern or AIA or prudential etc etc
    Going for B2 class if U don't mind. If not, go for Govt A class. If possible get a rider
    (using cash) so that all your medical bill will be all covered.

  24. #414
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Gosh. The loss sounds painful. I think better play it safe while the world adjust

  25. #415
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    You are not financial savvy due to your lack of knowledge. Read more book on Peter Lynn or Warren book etc.
    Look out for any GOOD stock investor forum like But don't follow blindly
    He is not god. Everybody makes mistakes particular on the entry timing.

    Just remember. TOP KILLER iS GREED. Investing requires a lot of patience. If U buy during fear period or "FEAR price".
    U should be quite safe. NEVER NEVER buy penny stock. Just buy blue chip.

    I believe your risk profile is between low to moderate risk. So just concentrate on blue chip like SPH, Singtel , banks stock
    etc. Buy some fulleration income fund 3%+ & 1st state dividend fund (3-4%) through online. Buy (10k) some safe retail bond
    like capitalmall trust 3.08% due 2021 which is Buy & hold type.

    Have you check your CPF online statement ? A few thousand of dollars has been credited into your CPF.
    So why not contribute some excess money into your CPF. Never never use CPF to pay for your housing loan
    if you are very comfortable to afford to use CASH (more than enough CASH) to pay. CPF monies is our
    last defence for our retirement in case we really screw out our investment.

    My brother-in-law's brother works for a foreign bank. He is a vice president of a FX dept. Making a lot
    of money for himself. But one very very bad trade (GREED). It wipe out >10 over year of profit + more losses within
    months. Difficult to start all over again. But luckily he still have huge amount of his CPF money which can help him
    to retire.

    Make sure your insurance are being covered.
    Term CI insurance (cheaper) instead of whole life + CI insurance. The money you save can put it into your CPF which
    earn compounded interest.

    PMI - Private medical insurance from great eastern or AIA or prudential etc etc
    Going for B2 class if U don't mind. If not, go for Govt A class. If possible get a rider
    (using cash) so that all your medical bill will be all covered.

    Thanks once again for your kind advice.

    I have stopped working for few years and now in early fifties. I have not much in cpf after paying down on my apt. So you think it ok to put in $$ in cpf?

  26. #416
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Werther View Post
    Thanks once again for your kind advice.

    I have stopped working for few years and now in early fifties. I have not much in cpf after paying down on my apt. So you think it ok to put in $$ in cpf?
    If U have met the min SA=161k (4%) & MA=48.5k (4%) . Pls go ahead to contribute some CASH into your CPF.
    FYI, I will never use CPF $ to pay for my housing loan unless I really need to (due to poor $ management).

    I just got $15k+ interest from CPF. AAA rating & ZERO risk with higher interest. Cant find it anywhere. I
    will still continue to contribute CASH into my CPF.

  27. #417
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Just share with my FEAR investing
    I have been monitoring BHP & Std chart. But because I have some Aus$ dollar to my bond coupon
    (Russian bank 7.5% Aus bond). I decide to buy BHP when there is a Extreme FEAR in this counter .
    It drop from $21 to $16+ within 1.5 months. So I decide to buy 5-7 days b4 the Christmas holiday.
    I Am expecting (or THINK) "the ANG MO" & hedge fund etc short seller may cover they short position
    before 25th Dec15. It may be their tradition to close their SHORT or LONG position b4 25/12 so that
    they can enjoy their long weekend holiday. I am lucky that I am right & sold at 9-10% profit on 24th Dec15.

    As for std chart, I should have converted my USD to pound to buy std chart @480. It shoot up to $580
    within days due to short covering & maybe due to cheap valuation(close to right issue price). Anyway, there
    will be many of the "FEAR" price in 2016. Hopefully, I will have the courage and also luck to make $.

  28. #418
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    We need to wait till Mid March16 for the USD FED rate hike decision.
    Now is just watch for the mkt continuous correction. Hopefully, NOT

  29. #419
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Today is a bad day for stock mkt.
    Listen to soothing music & will feel better .

  30. #420
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Wow. China stock drop by 7%.

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