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Thread: To those who are still in Property and Stock Investment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default To those who are still in Property and Stock Investment

    These last 6months has been a hell of a ride. Am not sure if any of you guys are into crypto currency investment as I know many peers in my age or older generation are highly skeptical on cryptos especially with MAS multiple warnings on ICOs or "Shit coins".

    If anyone has follow the movement of the Main coins, primarily the big three: Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. Here are the returns for the past 6 months:

    (+650%)Invest US$10k -> 65K

    (+1900%)Invest US 10k-> 190K

    So what is bitcoin?
    Bitcoin Explained:

    Bitcoin going $500k in 3yrs?:

    Full documentary on Bitcoin:

    The Crypto world is fill with more than 900 other alt coins, with even higher returns. So go as high as 25,000%, some went underwater and drop to less than 10% or in some extreme cases become worthless (shit coin):

    For example, if you invest US$8k in Neo(China version of Ethereum) last yr, you would have easily earn US$1mil.

    Disclaimer: Crypto Investment is still afterall a high risk investment. Do not invest more than what you can afford to lose. High RISK High reward. Invest only what you know in alt coins investment

    have fun investing!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dtrax View Post
    These last 6months has been a hell of a ride. Am not sure if any of you guys are into crypto currency investment as I know many peers in my age or older generation are highly skeptical on cryptos especially with MAS multiple warnings on ICOs or "Shit coins".

    If anyone has follow the movement of the Main coins, primarily the big three: Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. Here are the returns for the past 6 months:

    (+650%)Invest US$10k -> 65K

    (+1900%)Invest US 10k-> 190K

    So what is bitcoin?
    Bitcoin Explained:

    Bitcoin going $500k in 3yrs?:

    Full documentary on Bitcoin:

    The Crypto world is fill with more than 900 other alt coins, with even higher returns. So go as high as 25,000%, some went underwater and drop to less than 10% or in some extreme cases become worthless (shit coin):

    For example, if you invest US$8k in Neo(China version of Ethereum) last yr, you would have easily earn US$1mil.

    Disclaimer: Crypto Investment is still afterall a high risk investment. Do not invest more than what you can afford to lose. High RISK High reward. Invest only what you know in alt coins investment

    have fun investing!
    Wow, did not know there are people here into cryptocurrency! Agree be careful....there are tonnes of scammers out there but if you manage to find one, the returns are amazing. My advice is to work with a few friends and share your research with each other... I'm researching a few ICO with a few friends now.....

    Quite a few Reddit, YouTube also provide good info..l,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Not many know HK currency is from the Bank

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by HP65 View Post
    Wow, did not know there are people here into cryptocurrency! Agree be careful....there are tonnes of scammers out there but if you manage to find one, the returns are amazing. My advice is to work with a few friends and share your research with each other... I'm researching a few ICO with a few friends now.....

    Quite a few Reddit, YouTube also provide good info..l,
    Still remember the Mac Donald Hello Kitty selling at 50 Dollar.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    Still remember the Mac Donald Hello Kitty selling at 50 Dollar.
    Brother.....this is not MacD Hello Kitty. It's really the future.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Yup, very important - Do your own research.

    I will posting some crypto news here for sharing.

    Just went into ICO today, $28mil sold out in 18mils -

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have long been seen as a risky investment, but in places like Venezuela, they can also be dangerous.

    Thousands of Venezuelans have turned to secretly mining the digital currency for their economic survival, and for many that means risking jail time.

    Venezuela was once the richest country in South America, but it's now in crisis. It stands at the brink of civil war. Deadly protests paralyze city centers. It's the world's most indebted country, and its GDP has collapsed. Food and basic necessities are scarce, people are rationing toothpaste and toilet paper, and there are even reports of hungry Venezuelans killing flamingos and anteaters for food.

    View of damages in a supermarket in Valencia, Carabobo State, on May 5, 2017, the day after anti-government protesters looted stores, set fire to cars and clashed with police, leaving at least five people injured, and one dead after being hit in the head by a projectile.
    Ronaldo Schemidt | AFP | Getty Images
    View of damages in a supermarket in Valencia, Carabobo State, on May 5, 2017, the day after anti-government protesters looted stores, set fire to cars and clashed with police, leaving at least five people injured, and one dead after being hit in the head by a projectile.
    The country's future economic picture looks just as bleak. It already has the highest inflation rate on the planet. The International Monetary Fund expects prices in Venezuela to rise more than 1,100 percent this year.

    Venezuela's currency — the bolivar — is in free fall. Going against black market rates, it's lost 99.4 percent of its value since 2012. But bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies are insulated from all that. They're fully decentralized so they're immune to what's happening in any one country — regardless of where they're mined. And that's why Venezuelans have turned to mining.

    Venezuela's underground cryptocurrency miners

    In the cryptocurrency world, miners use computers to do the bookkeeping for digital transactions, verifying them and adding them to a public ledger. When someone mines, they earn digital currency as a payment for their efforts. It's been a lifeline for people like "Brother," a nickname used by an individual who lives just outside Caracas, who only agreed to speak to CNBC on condition of anonymity.

    The 29-year-old father initially got into mining because his $43 monthly salary from his government job wasn't enough to support the baby girl he and his wife had on the way. That's when he decided to start illegally using computers in his government office to mine. He has since quit his job and now mines using his own equipment from home.

    "Because of my daughter, I didn't think of it as a risk to what could happen to me in the company. I have to take the risk for her. I have to do this for her," says Brother.

    "Brother" is based just outside Caracas and only agreed to speak to CNBC under anonymity.
    Source: CNBC
    "Brother" is based just outside Caracas and only agreed to speak to CNBC under anonymity.
    Brother's story is a familiar one. David Fernando Lopez has since fled the country, but he once ran a bitcoin mining farm out of Caracas for three years. He was 40-years-old and didn't have a job. Mining was the one thing that could take him out of poverty. "You can feed a family with one ether rig. It's a fact."

    Lopez says that a lot of people are doing this right now. "Andrea Perez" is among them. CNBC is using an assumed name for her to protect her identity. Andrea works three jobs, yet mining bitcoin represents roughly 80 percent of her income, or around $120 per month. "For me, bitcoin has represented the ability to be able to support and feed my daughter in a very volatile environment."

    With a drastic shortages of supplies, Lopez says the easiest way to get basic amenities is to use cryptocash on e-commerce site He orders staples like soap, deodorant, and shampoo — then a courier from Miami will deliver the goods right to his office. Others use cryptocash to buy vital medicine, like insulin, from overseas.

    "You can feed a family with one ether rig. It's a fact."
    -David Fernando López, Former bitcoin farm operator
    The process of mining itself isn't all that intuitive, so many have turned to online forums and YouTube tutorials to learn how to do it. Randy Brito runs an online forum called Bitcoin Venezuela that teaches people how to mine. Brito operates remotely out of Spain, having fled Venezuela with his family when he was 14. What started as a community of 10 users has ballooned to nearly 10,000 people.

    "People are barely making a living with their jobs there. Even if they're a professional, they are not able to work," Brito said. "So people are finding that mining is a way to make a predictable income for their families."

    Though it's a vital source of income for many, he says the danger of mining is becoming more acute by the day. "People who mine bitcoin or crypto with mining rigs, they're usually doing it underground," said Brito.

    David Fernando Lopez spent three years running a bitcoin mining farm.
    Source: David Fernando López
    David Fernando Lopez spent three years running a bitcoin mining farm.
    Venezuela's crackdown on mining

    Mining cryptocurrency is completely legal in Venezuela, yet police have been arresting miners.

    It began with Valencia-based Joel Padron and Jose Perales. Local media reported both were arrested and detained for several months in 2016 on charges of energy theft and possession of contraband.

    The number of arrests and raids has steadily grown since then. When asked about why authorities were cracking down so hard on bitcoin miners, a detective from the national police (CICPC) told CNBC that in many of these cases, suspects were "exploiting resources without documentation."

    Lopez ran his mining farm out of Caracas.
    Source: David Fernando López
    Lopez ran his mining farm out of Caracas.
    However, some miners said the Venezuelan government views cryptocurrencies as a threat to the already weak bolivar and to its strict rules about capital flight. Government officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

    One Reddit post by a Venezuelan bitcoin miner claimed that, "miners are getting jailed and accused of terrorism, money laundering, computer crimes and many other crimes. It's getting crazy here and I really don't want to waste my life for money."

    "Miners are getting jailed and accused of terrorism, money laundering …"

    A year ago, "Tego Sanchez" spent his life savings on mining hardware and taught himself to mine. It now accounts for 80 percent of his income. At ethereum's peak price, he earned roughly $20 daily. But the 23-year-old says he lives in constant fear of being caught after seeing his friends arrested in raids. He says that's a big reason Venezuela's crypto community largely runs on secret groups and encrypted messaging apps like Telegram. That's also why he uses an assumed identity.

    "Tego Sanchez" spent his life savings on mining hardware.
    Source: CNBC
    "Tego Sanchez" spent his life savings on mining hardware.
    "I haven't had any problems with national security forces because I don't talk about it. Not even my friends know what I do," he said. "My grandmother is the only person who knows because I live with her."

    "Mateo Patino" also taught himself to mine back when the economy went sideways in 2012. At the height of bitcoin's value, he raked in up to $600 monthly, roughly three times the wage he earned as a journalist.

    Patino says he was approached by the SEBIN, an acronym given to the country's intelligence service — the Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional. "They started to ask questions about why I was drawing so much power from my house. I actually turned off all my bitcoin miners, and I moved them to another secure location."

    A friend of Lopez helped assemble his bitcoin mining farm back in 2013.
    Source: David Fernando López
    A friend of Lopez helped assemble his bitcoin mining farm back in 2013.
    This is one way authorities track down miners. Venezuela has heavily state subsidized electricity. That keeps the price low, which is a major incentive, because mining for cryptocurrencies takes an enormous amount of electrical power. However, it also means police monitor power consumption all across the country. Miners said when authorities see that somebody is using too much electricity, they go after them.

    That's why many arrests of miners are on charges of internet fraud and electricity theft. Earlier this year, four miners in Charallave were arrested for allegedly endangering the stability of the town's electrical service.

    Brother said he not only protects his online identity; he also conceals his electrical footprint. He has split his mining equipment across three different locations, and pays his neighbors to use their electricity so he can spread his devices across multiple power grids.

    National electricity transmission grid of Venezuela
    Source: CNBC
    National electricity transmission grid of Venezuela
    But even using precautions, Patino said, mining for bitcoin, in particular, is a major gamble.

    "Mining bitcoin became something out of a spy movie, because miners were getting arrested on false charges," Patino said. "Many bitcoin miners are being prosecuted. Many, they're scared, they're paranoid."

    Lopez said he ultimately had to get out of the business entirely for his own safety. Though 99 percent of his net worth is still invested in bitcoin, Lopez said he now chooses to trade the cryptocurrency instead, a bystander as the danger of mining grows.

    After getting out of the business of mining, Lopez ultimately fled Venezuela.
    Source: David Fernando López
    After getting out of the business of mining, Lopez ultimately fled Venezuela.
    Venezuela is just one country in deep political and economic crisis, but it illustrates why digital currency alternatives like bitcoin are gaining in importance.

    Joe Lubin, co-founder of the cryptocurrency ethereum, argues in challenging conditions where natural currencies are spiraling out of control, cryptocurrencies are integral to survival. "Yes, they're volatile. But they represent real lifesaving value to many people in many countries around the world."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    One must ask why all these internet coin must exist?.... The simple answer is because our traditional currencies are being expanded to such irresponsible quantity. Therefore even "non sense" digital currency has value. Digital currency can only exist as long as the central banks keeps printing. If the central banks ever stop printing....the value of digital currencies will collapse (which most certainly never happens). Because, In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2008


    Blockchain Guru Hits Singapore

    Do you know that the founder of Ethereum is now based in Singapore?

    Forbes 40 under 40, Vitalik rank 10:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Highly agreed. Many africans dont trust the currency to the extent that there are hardcore bitcoin maximalist due to the unstable nature of their nation's currency. Turns out to be a blessing in disguise for those who bought in early are now all multi-millionaires... at least on paper until they cash out in fiat

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Dec 2011


    At the current rate there are 1 new ICO per day. In the end there are probably thousands of digital currencies exist. Most of these currencies will go down to zero. Only the most innovative will survive. One will emerge as a winner like Google.....other will collapse like Yahoo.

  13. #13
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    Sep 2008


    The top 10 coins in are always changing hands and it is getting fast n furious. Who knows one day bitcoin might be replaced eventually by some other coin. Only the strong will survive in the fast moving blockchain technology. Competition (as well as scams) are becoming more rampant. Crypto world have to learn to spread the risk, even if 9 out of 10 coins turns shitty, your single coin x20 returns already can cover way more than your losses. Very important to do your own research.
    Last edited by dtrax; 01-09-17 at 03:33.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2008


    Right now as it stands, 172 Billion dollars are injected into the crypto world and bank and institution grades are slowly getting into the game.
    Just over a month ago, it was half of this market size:

    Bubble or not, it is up to you to decide.

  15. #15
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    Sep 2008


    Highly volatile market, a coin can tank in value of more than 50% in just one day:

    Typical market manipulation and the "buy the rumour, sell the news" game.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by HP65 View Post
    Wow, did not know there are people here into cryptocurrency! Agree be careful....there are tonnes of scammers out there but if you manage to find one, the returns are amazing. My advice is to work with a few friends and share your research with each other... I'm researching a few ICO with a few friends now.....

    Quite a few Reddit, YouTube also provide good info..l,
    Yup collective brain power can be good. Reddit is a GOOD source of info. Youtube is good as well but must be beware of some youtube influencers that might "get paid" to promote ICOs. Must do your own due diligence as always

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by indomie View Post
    One must ask why all these internet coin must exist?.... The simple answer is because our traditional currencies are being expanded to such irresponsible quantity. Therefore even "non sense" digital currency has value. Digital currency can only exist as long as the central banks keeps printing. If the central banks ever stop printing....the value of digital currencies will collapse (which most certainly never happens). Because, In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    So you think the Digital is not ????????

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by HP65 View Post
    Brother.....this is not MacD Hello Kitty. It's really the future.....
    Take a few step backward look at the Digital currency and you will see it is the same shit, they just call it a different name.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    So you think the Digital is not ????????
    With the way fiat money is being printed.....even toilet paper called digital currency has more value

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by indomie View Post
    With the way fiat money is being printed.....even toilet paper called digital currency has more value
    Digital money to me is another Mac Donald Hello kitty.

    You get it free and sell it for 50 Dollar.

  21. #21
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    Sep 2008

    Default The clearest signal that banks and financial institutions are in the game

    Six big banks join blockchain digital cash settlement project
    PUBLISHED AUG 31, 2017, 5:03 PM SGT

    ZURICH (REUTERS) - Six new banks have joined a UBS-led effort to create a digital cash system that would allow financial markets to make payments and settle transactions quickly via blockchain technology.

    The group aims to launch the system late next year.

    Barclays, Credit Suisse, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, HSBC, MUFG and State Street have joined the group developing the "utility settlement coin" (USC), a digital cash equivalent of each of the major currencies backed by central banks, UBS said on Thursday.

    The group is in discussions with central banks and regulators and is aiming for a "limited 'go live'" in the latter part of 2018, UBS's head of strategic investment and fintech innovation told the Financial Times.

    The Swiss bank first launched the concept in September 2015 with London-based blockchain company Clearmatics, and was later joined on the project by BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank , Santander and brokerage ICAP.

    The USC would be convertible at parity with a bank deposit in the corresponding currency, making it fully backed by cash assets at a central bank. Spending a USC would be the same as spending the real currency it is paired with.

    Blockchain works as a tamper-proof shared ledger that can automatically process and settle transactions using computer algorithms, with no need for third-party verification.

    Because it does not require manual processing, nor authentication through intermediaries, the technology can make payments faster, more reliable and easier to audit.

  22. #22
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    Default Project Ubin - MAS version of digital cash

    MAS announced on 16 November 2016 that it is partnering R3, a Distributed Ledger Technology company, and a consortium of financial institutions on a proof-of-concept project to conduct inter-bank payments using Blockchain technology. The consortium includes Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, DBS Bank, The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, J.P. Morgan, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, OCBC Bank, R3, Singapore Exchange, UOB Bank, and BCS Information Systems as a technology provider to the project.

  23. #23
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    Sep 2008


    Litecoin just up another 12% today, almost dominated by the entire Korean market who are crypto siao

  24. #24
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dtrax View Post
    Litecoin just up another 12% today, almost dominated by the entire Korean market who are crypto siao
    Hello Kitty Siao.

  25. #25
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtrax View Post
    They should come to Singapore to learn Hello Kitty siao first.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    They should come to Singapore to learn Hello Kitty siao first.
    Trust me, it is worse that hello kitty. There are banks and institution grade in Korea pumping money into crypto. Korea alone can make the entire bitcoin/eth/ltc tank or chiong to the sky

  28. #28
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    Sep 2008


    I have known someone who is helping companies and banks in Singapore setting up mining farm liao, I have seen the actual setup but cant verify which bank doing mining.

    Even Fidelity, one of the largest assets management company in the world are doing bitcoin mining. They are really late in the game, but well better late than never:

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Life in Bitcoin Farm

  30. #30
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