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Thread: Property price is coming down fast

  1. #601
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    Short citi better down 14% oredi
    i thought it dropped 14% today. you meant over the last 3 days?

  2. #602
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    I got 1mil cash in bank A and also got 1mil outstanding loan wif them....if bank A collapse, how?
    Nobody knows the answer?

  3. #603
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    Nobody knows the answer?
    depends if there is a rescuer bank?

  4. #604
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Geylang OKT
    wait another half year and the asking prices will be more than halved from now
    U r power! Within 6mths

    Ok noted....april 2012! If dun haf, u sell ur ppty at half px to me hor...

  5. #605
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    U r power! Within 6mths

    Ok noted....april 2012! If dun haf, u sell ur ppty at half px to me hor...
    He muz know something we dun know.. for all you know his china mei mei might have fed him first hand property news!!!

  6. #606
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Geylang OKT
    depends if there is a rescuer bank?
    If dun hf? Den still owe bank loan 1mil and cash become zero?

    If haf den?

  7. #607
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    U r power! Within 6mths

    Ok noted....april 2012! If dun haf, u sell ur ppty at half px to me hor...
    ok, I stay in attap hut wan

  8. #608
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    If dun hf? Den still owe bank loan 1mil and cash become zero?

    If haf den?
    If have then will be status quo. If no have... I guess you are quits as well

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Geylang OKT
    If have then will be status quo. If no have... I guess you are quits as well

    I ask my banker b4, and his reply is it wun happen

  10. #610
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DaytonaSS
    Funny , ur friend care for u enough to push u to do something n yet u say things like that. Don't make mistakes like these when u can afford but postpone your responsibilities. The only time to buy is now, when u can afford, n when u think u don't need it.

    I'm sure many old timers here can share with u their life experiences. 12 years friend hard to come by wor
    actually i understand the importance of insurance and i already thought of getting one once i start working because back when he was trying to get me to buy one i was still unemployed and on allowance. thing with this 12 years friend was you can tell from his tone and attitude that he is just trying to pressure me to buy. he called me out on the pretext of catching up but once we met up he talked non stop about insurance.

    this kind of 12 year friend who want to make you a sales target isn't worth having anyway and i'll be getting insurance from another friend of mine lol.

  11. #611
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Medishield and mortgage insurance for primary residence die die must buy....

    The rest to me is optional

  12. #612
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Price drop?

    Worrying trends in the Singapore property market

    By Mr. Propwise

    I've noticed some interesting and worrying trends in the Singapore property market that I'd like to share with you, and also delve into what they mean for the property investor and own-stay home buyer.

    HDB prices are rising faster than private property prices

    Last week the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) reported that the private residential price index grew 1.3 per cent in the 3rd quarter of 2011. Contrast this with the HDB's Resale Price Index (RPI), which rose 3.8 per cent from the previous quarter.

    This increase in HDB prices is despite the 23,800 new units the HDB has pushed out in the first three quarters. The impact was not felt on prices but in the transaction volume for resale flats, which fell 10 per cent to 5,903 units in the 3rd quarter from 6,581 units in the 2nd quarter.

    The HDB will launch another 4,200 build-to-order (BTO) flats in November, bringing the total number of flats launched this year to 28,000. And don't forget that there is another 25,000 BTO flats to be launched next year.

    The puzzling thing for many is how the prices of HDB flats are still rising despite the large amount of supply being pushed out. A case in point is the 888-unit Trivelis in Clementi, which is being developed under the Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS). Prices of the 646 sqft three-room flat units ($375,000 to $470,000), 861-883 sqft four-room flat units ($530,000 to $650,000) and 1,130 sqft five-room flats ($658,000 to $770,000) are more expensive than the surrounding resale flat prices!

    Private home buyers are in a cautious mood

    The PPI's 1.3 per cent increase is the 8th consecutive quarter of slowing growth, which many market observers attribute to both demand (growing uncertainty in global economic situation) and supply (government ramping up supply of public housing) factors.

    Regardless of the cause, buyers are becoming increasingly cautious, especially in the high end segment. The URA reported a price increase in non-landed properties in the Core Central Region (CCR) of just 0.7 per cent, and a fall in transaction volume of 61 per cent on a quarter-on-quarter basis.

    Given the upcoming launches in the 4th quarter, many analysts expect a
    fall in the take-up rate even if prices remain stable. So it's clear that the market is cooling down. The million dollar question is — will prices fall?

  13. #613
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Greece default is definitely a nailing event to trigger global financial crisis, many France banks will bankrupt, the domino effect will sink PIIGS, Italy, Spain...will follow thru'...
    Same like Lehman bros, MF Global down due to Euro bonds...If France banks down due to Greece, it will pull down major Insurance company like AIG in lehman case...all bought insurance, default will cause insurance company unable to pay up like AIG in 2008....
    anyway, coming soon, his week, next month or 3-4 months down the road, unavoidable, buy times only.....eventually global recession & depression.....

    A Greek trader: ‘I believe the present government will be history by the end of this week. Most probably this evening actually, when the already scheduled emergency cabinet meeting is to be held’

    Italy (8th largest economy in the world, GDP nominal), Spain (12th largest in world)and Portugal (38th largest in world) economies are poised for collapse, along with Greece (32nd largest economy in world)

    German 10yr yields fell 25bp to 1.77%, close to their all-time lows and a bigger one-day fall than after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

    November 1st, 2011

    of course, Italy, Spain bond yield surged thru' roof yesterday....
    so Lehman bros kind of scenario is on the table......

  14. #614
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by basic
    all major banks in France & Germany, all down >10% shares price today...
    DAX at 1 stage down > -4.8%....

    China biggest developers Vanke, drop price in Beijing projects from RMB18000 to 14000 psm...
    Shanghai bungalow...all price negotiable, if can pay cash, >40% discount...
    another project in shanghai, down from RMB30000 to 17000 psm...

    MF Global bankrupt...many sporean affected, just like lehman bros bonds, with global banks, financial & insurance companies all in high risks, even local banks in future, property developers....once this debt crisis press the button, which company you can trust?? If you go to China in 90s, tons of half completed building think spore will never happen in future?? let see how bad can coming crisis be....spore is financial center, most have branches here...

    besides major Europe banks plunged >10% yesterday....major US banks also down >15% in last 2 days.....

    so far, Euro debt issues pull down biggest banks in Belgium, Dexia, last 1 US brokerage, MF Global bankrupt.....more to come....2 down now...

    If Greece default officially....many will down consecutively everyday....banks, brokerage, Insurance companies & all financial related...if banks down, company can survive?? like GM, Chrysler in 2008...tons more....If OCBC or DBS or UOB down, how many developers or home owners kena chased to pay up before they down??......

  15. #615
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    You're an obedient one aint u. Keep up the entertainment. Be our slave for the whole of November. We command.

  16. #616
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Stock markets have been reduced to nothing more than a casino.

  17. #617
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Worsty
    The US can't or won't do anything substantial to the economy until when there is a strong consensus on who will win the Presidential election. Obama just blew it.

    The House and Senate are just bumming heads at the moment and no decent bills will be passed until after the election since the Republicans will do all they can to make Obama and the democrats look bad.

    What i think la...
    exactly what i think also. the FED will hold position.
    If mkt can"t stabilize by then, maybe BASIC will be right about the correction

  18. #618
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    A single eu is not good for us and china but us banks implicated n china has bond holdings, strategy is buy sse50 or sti etf for long term play when Dow gold ratio near six
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  19. #619
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Be more optimistic. Banks in Singapore go down.
    Quote Originally Posted by basic
    besides major Europe banks plunged >10% yesterday....major US banks also down >15% in last 2 days.....

    so far, Euro debt issues pull down biggest banks in Belgium, Dexia, last 1 US brokerage, MF Global bankrupt.....more to come....2 down now...

    If Greece default officially....many will down consecutively everyday....banks, brokerage, Insurance companies & all financial related...if banks down, company can survive?? like GM, Chrysler in 2008...tons more....If OCBC or DBS or UOB down, how many developers or home owners kena chased to pay up before they down??......

  20. #620
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    Medishield and mortgage insurance for primary residence die die must buy....

    The rest to me is optional
    \\what is this mortgage insurance ?

    can recommend ?

  21. #621
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    ST this morning featured anxious MF Global local customers asking for their money back.

  22. #622
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dtrax
    You do realize that many pple here are cash rich, pretty much savvy, have tons of ammo but problem is dun know where to find gd deals, that's why guru basic or other gurus preach their stuff and make claims of 20% discount, pple furious dunno where to find and force him to reveal the info?
    exactly ...

    just like agent .. trying to rent a unit ...

    when he knows the renter is expat ... you think he will lower the price ?
    when he knows the buyer is from rich background, you think he will show a lower selling price ?

    like i said yesterday ... many continues to hound Basic for the info ...for Greed ( wanting to buy cheap) and for Fear ( afraid that props really fall 20%)

    to me .. he has provided some info that i have no access to and thats good

    how he present it is subjective ..

    Sasha's daughter calling Kenneth she really wrong ?
    it all depends on which camp you belong to ...

    Kenneth's friend broke a glass which costs like $15-20 and yet the total bill for 8 persons only $80 .. nett the cost of the broken glass ..the total bill really only $60-65 for 8 persons ... it is indeed cheap

    so ..take the info, absorb the info, interpret the info .. and make your only decision ..

    if singaporeans are so easily offended by words like 'FOOL" ...then singaporeans have a long way to go in the outside world ...

    LKY call call singaporeans Fools .. but he will not use it to foreigners

  23. #623
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Be more optimistic. Banks in Singapore go down.
    >60% total loan in Spore is property related, especially housing loan...exculde foreign banks, pecentage in 3 local banks rae even higher...
    Global standard for interest spread for deposit & housing loan is 4%....US & China are in 3.5%-4.5% sustain expenses & risk taking...

    Spore interest spread is 1%...not evn enough to pay their top management salary & bonus, don't talk about high rental, overhead charges, spore is 1 of the most expensive place to do biz....1% how to survive?? we know why they are controlled, cannot put down here...that is their proble, they deserve to bankrupt when crisis hits, no mercy, no bailout by taxpayers' money....

    If I am S&P or moody, I will straight downgrade to junk for local 3 banks, this is not the way to run biz....especially in crisis time now, risk is super high, who want 1% spread?? China developers even go to underworld for 100%/yr interest due to NO liquidity, 1%? greatest joke of the world....

    wait for external force to kill them, let see our xxxx can support when whacking time comes....will come 1 day, too juicy to hoot down because of their own irresponsible act.....

  24. #624
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    the saying is to buy when there's the most amount of question marks. This is oone bottom that is very hard to pick as there are heck of a lot of question marks as it is.

  25. #625
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    There r many units on firesale 20-30% below value

    Pls search for it...tons of them....


    i dunno where have ..

    but i can tell you
    if you want CHEAP rental ..


    for the price they paid for these condos ...the rent is peanuts ( ohh Mrs Goh)

  26. #626
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by avo7007
    ST this morning featured anxious MF Global local customers asking for their money back.
    I already said it in pg 60....tan ku ku...
    MF global already transfer their funds to Europe, lost big $Bil S shares, money disappear overnight....

    2 financial bank & brokerage down due to Euro Debt issues now....more to come.....

  27. #627
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner

    i dunno where have ..

    but i can tell you
    if you want CHEAP rental ..


    for the price they paid for these condos ...the rent is peanuts ( ohh Mrs Goh)
    What's the typical rental for a 3 bedder?

  28. #628
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    My sister-in-law said she saw a China man at the SGX (few months back), carrying a very big bag with many stacks of thousands and thousands of cash

    did she call police ? or MAS to investigate ?

    who is checking these people transacting in CASH ...?

    singapore is now possibly the highest money laundering ground

  29. #629
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    It is amazing that LKY is also mentioned

    It is getting personal and emotional

  30. #630
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    I got 1mil cash in bank A and also got 1mil outstanding loan wif them....if bank A collapse, how?
    Simple answer:
    if bank A collapses, you are insured only for $20000 per bank, (and not per bank accounts).
    As for your debt to bank A, the rescuer Bank B will buy the assets of bank A (your mortgage) on the cheap, and you still have the mortgage of $1million.

    no offsetting = you are screwed royally.

    I read the scenario somewhere and the answers given are as above but the answers may be wrong.

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