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Thread: BIG mismatch in URA caveats and PROPguru pricing..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default BIG mismatch in URA caveats and PROPguru pricing..

    Saw a lot of apt/condos owner/agents asking 100 to a few hundred thousand dollars above the latest URA transacted prices in their respective condos/apts...ha ha wonder how many frustrated agents out there...for fun
    i called one up...from way he talked i can tell how he feeling about selling the apt....Sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. #2
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    Nov 2008


    During this period of time, sellers are still hopeful that prices are still sky high while buyers believe that prices are down down down, no wonder agents are just like a kana kickd around so of course sianz lah...

  3. #3
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    “Singapore is one of Asia’s most vulnerable economies to a slowdown in global growth,” said Sukhy Ubhi, an economist at Capital Economics Ltd. in London. “The upshot is we think that the Monetary Authority will loosen its policy settings at its next biannual review in April.”

    We are heading for a serious stagflation next year. I doubt the buyers have the firepower or guts to buy at such high prices from the sellers now. New launches from developers are always favored because of progressive payment and long time to TOP i.e. less risk.

  4. #4
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    many are just testing the market, following developer pricing. hillier gpoing at $1k plus psf all the surrounding condos are trying to ask for $1k plus psf as well despite their age

    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    Saw a lot of apt/condos owner/agents asking 100 to a few hundred thousand dollars above the latest URA transacted prices in their respective condos/apts...ha ha wonder how many frustrated agents out there...for fun
    i called one up...from way he talked i can tell how he feeling about selling the apt....Sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  5. #5
    ikan bilis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    many are just testing the market, following developer pricing. hillier gpoing at $1k plus psf all the surrounding condos are trying to ask for $1k plus psf as well despite their age
    think that 1 a bit different, cannot compare, all surrounding are fh or 999, but except hillier lh99...

  6. #6
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ikan bilis
    think that 1 a bit different, cannot compare, all surrounding are fh or 999, but except hillier lh99...
    u forget to mention quantum aso very different hor

  7. #7
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    During this period of time, sellers are still hopeful that prices are still sky high while buyers believe that prices are down down down, no wonder agents are just like a kana kickd around so of course sianz lah...
    ignore the sky high asking px.....

    try to test ur unit on the market now....vy hard to fetch last tx px

  8. #8
    ikan bilis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    u forget to mention quantum aso very different hor
    actually, that side also got some very small 800ft 2bdr, like in hillview park...
    difficult to get good near mrt fh/999 at <$900psf these days... ofcos except geylang...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ikan bilis
    actually, that side also got some very small 800ft 2bdr, like in hillview park...
    difficult to get good near mrt fh/999 at <$900psf these days... ofcos except geylang...
    hillview park quite far to walk oredi.....about same distance as hillvista oredi which took me 10mins to hit the mrt

  10. #10
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    There's nothing wrong to ask for the price you want to sell. If cannot get offer, then don't sell lor!

  11. #11
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    May I know what are the components to cost in if I buy from someone who bought it at 1350 PSF. Assuming I make an offer, at least it is not going to make a big hole out of pocket.

    I know the interest and the loan amt and period is a given, so let say he already hold for a few years, do I need to cost in stamp duty and what not as well.

    Not familiar in this area

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherman
    There's nothing wrong to ask for the price you want to sell. If cannot get offer, then don't sell lor!
    A seller talking...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by samuelk
    May I know what are the components to cost in if I buy from someone who bought it at 1350 PSF. Assuming I make an offer, at least it is not going to make a big hole out of pocket.

    I know the interest and the loan amt and period is a given, so let say he already hold for a few years, do I need to cost in stamp duty and what not as well.

    Not familiar in this area
    Don't quite understand... buyers' stamp duty is for the buyers so if you're buying, then it doesn't apply to you. Sellers' stamp duty only applies for 3rd property or more for citizens, not dependent on the buyer who's had the property for a few years or not.

  14. #14
    ikan bilis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    hillview park quite far to walk oredi.....about same distance as hillvista oredi which took me 10mins to hit the mrt
    one, i find it ok leh, distance better than hill vista ??..
    anyway, i think hillier can cheong <500ft MM only.... if you are holding a 2-3bdr hillier for 2-4yrs, how to compete with all the fh/999 next to it ??..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by samuelk
    May I know what are the components to cost in if I buy from someone who bought it at 1350 PSF. Assuming I make an offer, at least it is not going to make a big hole out of pocket.

    I know the interest and the loan amt and period is a given, so let say he already hold for a few years, do I need to cost in stamp duty and what not as well.

    Not familiar in this area
    If he bought at 1350psf, depends on the size... Normally sellers expect to make on average 100k per year of holding on... (For good/new locations/projects)

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    Saw a lot of apt/condos owner/agents asking 100 to a few hundred thousand dollars above the latest URA transacted prices in their respective condos/apts...ha ha wonder how many frustrated agents out there...for fun
    i called one up...from way he talked i can tell how he feeling about selling the apt....Sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    If its few hundred k above caveat lodged for 5mil property is nothing la...

  17. #17
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    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    If its few hundred k above caveat lodged for 5mil property is nothing la...
    i talking 1 to 1.5 mil....

  18. #18
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    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    If he bought at 1350psf, depends on the size... Normally sellers expect to make on average 100k per year of holding on... (For good/new locations/projects)
    So 100K above fm his last price should covered it and not curret location new asking price + 100 K ?

  19. #19
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    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by samuelk
    So 100K above fm his last price should covered it and not curret location new asking price + 100 K ?
    Thats just a guideline and not hard and fast... There are also many greedy sellers out there. Those who are not are usually introduced as 'serious' or 'motivated' sellers by agents. They will never say 'desperate' or 'demented' sellers...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Why CM5 was on 8 Dec 2011

    Can we borrow as much as we want for 3 year?

    Will there be a CM6 on 28 Feb 2012?

    FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Banks from the 17 countries that use the euro stashed euro347 billion ($453 billion) overnight with the European Central Bank on Thursday, in another sign that Europe's debt crisis is still putting pressure on the banking system.
    The figure announced Friday is the highest for 2011, topping euro346.4 billion earlier this month.
    Banks use the deposit facility every day in fluctuating amounts to offload excess cash. Heavy recent use suggests that even as the ECB makes more credit available to banks they are depositing some of it — temporarily at least — back with the central bank at low interest rates rather than lending.
    One reason to park money in the facility is that banks are unwilling to lend to other banks for fear they won't be paid back.
    Europe is suffering from a debt crisis marked by concerns that heavily indebted governments such as Italy may be unable to pay off their bonds. That means trouble for banks because they typically hold government bonds.
    The large deposits follows Wednesday's massive central bank credit operation, in which the ECB let banks borrow as much as they wanted for up to 3 years. The credit offer was part of a package of bank support measures announced Dec. 8. As a result 523 banks took euro489 billion, the largest ECB loan operation in the 13-year history of the euro. Another three-year credit offering will be held Feb. 28.
    The European Central bank has stepped up lending to banks to help them get through the crisis. Some of the banks are finding it extremely difficult to raise money elsewhere, so the bank steps in as lender of last resort, a typical role for central banks in times of turmoil.
    The bank has refused to play the same role for governments by buying large amounts of their bonds, saying they must get their debts under control through their own efforts and not wait for a central bank rescue.
    It underlined that stance again on Friday by holding down its purchases of government bonds to only euro19 million. The ECB has been buying government bonds on a limited scale, which has helped drive down the borrowing rates that Italy and Spain face in the bond market.
    But it says the program is not infinite and that governments must not rely on central bank efforts to lower their borrowing costs. That must be down, ECB head Mario Draghi says, by getting deficits under control and taking steps to improve growth.
    It bought a minimal euro3.36 million last week. That makes two weeks of near-negligible purchases, following euro635 million the week ending Dec. 9 and euro3.66 billion the week ending Dec. 2.
    Italian 10-year bond yields remained elevated Friday at 6.90 percent, another sign that the markets remain fearful of a default by the eurozone's third-largest economy. Before the crisis spread to Italy, it was able to borrow at under four percent as recently as October 2010.
    European governments are trying to win back the confidence of bond market investors by reducing deficits, a difficult job in a slowing economy. Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti won approval Thursday from the Italian Senate for euro30 billion in additional cutbacks and revenue increases.
    Greece is working on a deal to cut its debt by making bondholders accept a bond exchange that would mean a 50 percent reduction in the value of their investments. The bondholders could accept that instead of the larger losses that would come from a disorderly default not agreed in advance.
    A top ECB policymaker said in an interview published Friday that the central bank could use its power to create new money to buy financial assets if a deteriorating economy threatens the eurozone with deflation — falling prices.
    Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, who is leaving office next week, was quoted by the Financial Times as saying he saw "no reason" why the bank could not use the technique, called quantitative easing by economists. Both the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have used it after lowering interest rates to record low levels and finding that their economies still needed more stimulus.
    The ECB's mandate is to provide price stability, so fighting deflation could be consistent with that. At the moment, however, inflation is running at 3.0 percent, well above the ECB's goals of just under 2 percent.
    Last edited by Arcachon; 02-01-12 at 01:01.

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