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Thread: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by vimtr888 View Post . Amazing beautiful & calm music.
    Covid19 pandemic is a difficult times of uncertainty, fear and anguish.
    Darkness has come & will go away. Believe and you will find your way. Amazing beautiful & calm music. A perfect beautiful melody Weekend Joke to share with you.
    We are not perfect. We do made mistakes . Sometimes, we must learn to admit our mistakes and A man must be big enough to admit your mistakes.

    Covid History already.
    The Best Time to buy Property is Yesterday.
    If you lose Money it because you sell on a wrong Day.

    You don't Buy others will Buy.
    You don't Sell, others will Sell.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Peaceful easy feeling - (1) peaceful easy feeling (Eagle) - YouTube

    I once was lost but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see. Finally, I got a peaceful easy feeling.

    When we looked back in the past, it was full of sadness, anger and frustration. The office politics toxic environment that worn the us down. The issues of long working hours & unrealistic workloads exacerbate our miserable life at work. Feeling less motivated to get up in the morning to work.

    Sometimes we care too much about what other people think of us & be their prisoner. Make comparisons with others too much and bring ourselves down. We always wait, hope, and pray at times for things to change. But nothing changes. Nothing brings us happiness or satisfaction. Just want to give up life.

    After many years of struggling to find happiness. I realized the step toward change was acceptance. Only with acceptance can there be real change. Enough was enough. No longer “locking” up myself. I felt that I know the meaning of life. Good days give me happiness; bad days give you experiences; both are essential to life. Only I can make myself happy. I cannot count on anyone or anything else to bring me into a state of peaceful happiness. I won’t be as stupid as before. I want to remove my chains of negative thought. I am ready to Open the door of blessing and closed the door of misery. I want to wipe away the tears to a new beginning of my new life.

    Looking back on this struggle and smile because it was life and decided to live it. All of us have different opinions and thinking. Live and let live is the secret of happier life.

    一切看淡,让一切随缘 .只有愿意放下的人,才能收获幸福!
    Only those who are willing to let go can reap happiness.

    The more greed, the less happy you are.

    Knowing contentment, you will realize the happiness around you.

    See through life, life will not be so complicated.

    When the mindset changes, life changes

    The reason why people are suffering is not because they have too little, but because they want more. There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.

    Only those who have gone through untold suffering will be thoroughly awakened

    “In life, you will not suffer forever, but you will definitely suffer for a period of time. If you run away from short term sufferings, you will definitely suffer forever!”

    All things are difficult at the start. Patience and persistence can break through anything, no matter how great the difficulty. "Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence." Things always get easier if you persevere.

    吃得苦中苦,方为人上人Enduring deepening pain is how man ascends.

    Reading habit & learning
    To figure out why we are not happy or why we are stuck financially. It is only reading self-improvement books can get us out of the current predicament.

    A person's total amount of pain of struggling over a period of time is about the same, but if the person's cognitive level which is relating to or involving the processes of thinking and reasoning is different. He will jump to another area of happiness, which is reading self-improvement books. Reading lead to mindset changes. When the mindset changes, life changes.Some of the self-improvement's books recommended.

    1)The road less travelled. 少有人走的路

    2) Emotional first aid. 情绪急救

    3)The Art of thinking clearly. 思维艺术清晰

    4)Atomic habit. .原子习惯
    etc etc

    Peaceful easy feeling after exercising
    My first love is the sport, and it will always be my priority.

    Exercise is important for boosting Endorphin levels and improving mood & reduce your mental stress. Endorphins, "HAPPY" Chemical in our body will help you to relieve stress, keep your body healthy, physically & mentally.

    Natural "happy chemical in our body. Make full use of it. Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain.

    Peaceful easy feeling. Hello Pension. Goodbye Tension
    A Million@ Age 65 = CPF SA + RA (Annuity life plan)

    CPF is one of the best for retirement plan in the world. The key to success is to start early as young as possible & be Patience & have faith in our CPF system. We need a safety net that we can rely on no matter how adverse our financial situation

    人无远虑, 必有近忧. If one has no long-term considerations, he can hardly avoid troubles every now and then.; He who has no anxious thoughts for the future will find trouble right at hand.; If a man is not farsighted, he is bound to encounter difficulties in the near future.; Those who do not plan for the future will find trouble at their doorstep

    风水轮流转 是指你这一生不可能永远都是一帆风顺的
    Good luck won't always belong to you, good luck won't always be with you, good things won't always be on you. Your life cannot always be smooth sailing. CPF comes useful when there is a sudden turn of your Feng Shui fortunate at later age.

    Bitter now, sweet later. Work hard now and enjoy the fruits of our labor later.

    Peaceful easy feeling - clean & tidy house = Clear & peaceful mind
    Life feels more stressful when things are cluttered and messy. When your environment is clean you feel happy motivated and healthy & at peace.
    Regularly do housekeep to ensure that everything at home is cleaned, tidy, well organized and things in its correct place. All important documents are filed properly.

    Good booking keeping habit is also important. Get into a habit of keeping acct & keep a record of your daily expenses. This allow you to understand your spending habits & adjust those that are too expensive.

    Peaceful easy feeling - Insurance Protection
    When you are young and healthy you probably won’t even consider your health as important. You never imagine that one day they could get diabetes or cholesterol problems as you neglect your health.
    Many health problems are also related to stress. Stress will worsen or increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems etc.

    Life & health insurance are one of the most important financial products 100% you must buy as early as possible.If U have enough money, don’t rush to make more money. U should buy insurance for yourself to protect your wealth.
    In the event of an emergency such as an illness or accident, you will lose your hard earned $overnight & fall into poverty.

    Peaceful easy feeling - Take Care of Your Tongue
    A tongue may weigh little, but it can crush a man.

    It’s just a tongue, but the words you form with it can cause someone to give up on their happiness, commit suicide, think less of themselves, make a wrong choice, go against their beliefs, or do something else that harms them or their life in some way. And, because you don’t know how people think, you don’t always know which words are going to be the words that crush them.

    Anger is humankind’s biggest weakness. Anger only begets more anger. Taming our anger is the golden key to our physical and mental well-being.

    Always remember.

    The first to apologize is the bravest.
    The first to forgive is the strongest.
    The first to forget is the happiest

    Forgiveness is a healing process. An important action that can lead to a place of greater healing and peace.
    Forgiving, and letting go of anger and resentment, has shown to benefit a person's physical health. A powerful motivational tool.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    (133) 人这一生 - YouTube

    In life, several things happen to us with us & around us. Life is always full of obstacles, don't expect smooth sailing all the time. What matters the most is how you chose to react to them.

    Should you have a bad day at work. Think of the man who has been out of work for many months. Struggling to feed his family.

    Our life is all about learning, adapting & converting experiences into positive learning. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experiences; both are essential to life.
    We must learn to accept your spouse or others for who they are, not for what you want them to be.
    Don’t try to change who they are. 抓得越紧,丢得越多. The tighter you grab, the more you lose. Word of wisdom.

    Let it be - A mature inner mind and a kind of self-confidence & grasp to acceptance that things sometimes cannot be change.
    A person's maturity starts from learning to control emotions.
    The true mark of maturity is when somebody (husband or colleague etc) hurt you and you will try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.

    Forgiveness is a healing process. An important action that can lead to a place of greater healing and peace.
    Forgiving, and letting go of anger and resentment, has shown to benefit a person's physical health.

    The first to apologies is the braves.
    The first to forgive is the strongest.
    The first to forget is the happiest.

    Life is short, treasure what you have had and let go what you can't obtain. Be happy and cool.

    当你生气的时候, 安慰自己:算了吧!气来气去,伤得是自己
    When you are angry, comfort yourself: forget it! Every time when you get angry, you just hurt yourself more.

    人生不能十全十美, 生活不能事事如意。
    Life can't be perfect. Life can't be all right all the time.

    The more greed, the less happy you are.

    The tighter you grab, the more you lose.

    Knowing contentment, you will realize the happiness around you.

    To be happy, you must be contented. Appreciate and cherish what you already have.

    See through life, life will not be so complicated.

    Only those who have gone through untold suffering will be thoroughly awakened.

    不求,财富无数, 但求,够花够用;
    Not asking, there are countless wealth, but ask, enough to spend enough.

    不求,房子多大, 但求,一家温暖
    Not asking, how big is the house, but beg, a warmth home.

    Don't ask for countless friends, but ask for a true feeling

    不求,生活奢侈, 但求,美满幸福
    Not asking, life is extravagant. But seeking, to be happy

    不求,车子豪华, 但求,一生平安
    Not asking, the car is luxurious. But seek peace of life.

    Not asking everyone to respect. But just seek for peace of mind

    Not asking, to be very rich. But just want to live without being tired

    不求,人生辉煌, 但求,一生无悔
    Not asking, life is brilliant, but seek, no regrets in life.

    一切看淡,让一切随缘 .只有愿意放下的人,才能收获幸福!
    Only those who are willing to let go can reap happiness.

    Knowing contentment, you will realize the happiness around you.

    When the mindset changes, life changes

    The reason why people are suffering is not because they have too little, but because they want more. There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.

    “In life, you will not suffer forever, but you will definitely suffer for a period of time. If you run away from short term sufferings, you will definitely suffer forever!”

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph


    The reason why we can't change ourselves is because the inner pain is not big enough and the desire to change is not strong enough. Change is not a matter of ability, but a matter of will. When you have a strong will, firm belief, stop negative thoughts, turn to righteous thoughts, keep superimposing, and keep taking actions, good changes will definitely happen, and you will surely witness miracles moment!

  5. #185
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    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    My 2023 Resolution -我要成为世界上最厉害的人














    你讲无所不能 There is nothing that can't be done



    无有恐怖 There is no hindrance in the heart





    说收心说收 心






    一天到 晚什么 都不做

    永远 留给到明天

    2023 new year is a chance to make changes for the better. The year has to be fantastic.”
    Do whatever scares you the most. and ready for new challenges and experiences

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    "My son is just an ordinary person as compared to his Neighbour's son always working hard on himself to learn extra skill".

    Some people say that he has several years of work experience, but in fact, he does not have that many years of work experience, he just repeats one year's work for several years. This is very similar to some ordinary workers who do the same thing every day for more than ten years. In other words, they just repeat a day's work for many years. So, such people are destined to be ordinary people.

    If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. But if you work hard on yourself, you could make a fortune. Start learning extra skill & seriously reading self-improvement books for self-development.

  7. #187
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    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Conquer yourself, then you can conquer anything

    (142) Pet Shop Boys - Go West - YouTube

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