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Thread: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    The fear of the Covid19 has made many Singaporean anxiety. It can lead to depression if it is not manage well.
    During the US financial crisis in 2008/09 period of time, I was like in a depression mood. Most of the time got headache, a sign of emotional distress. I went to a quiet Temple at Balestier for 1 hr meditation a few times.
    I do listen to Buddhist song or Christian Song to calm me down as and when needed. (Buddhist ) (Amazing grace)

    Divorce rate spikes across China due to related COVID 19 shutdown.
    When you are angry with your spouse, the tongue like a sharp knife if it is out of control. Kills without drawing blood.
    Listen to music to calm you down. While listening, think of the good times you have with your spouse & children.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Never control what you can't control, learn instead what you can't control.

    Prepare for the Next Tsunami.

    The last Tsunami my property appreciated 1 million in 4 years.

    Those who MTB don't say nobody tells you to get on board.
    The Best Time to buy Property is Yesterday.
    If you lose Money it because you sell on a wrong Day.

    You don't Buy others will Buy.
    You don't Sell, others will Sell.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Fate & Destiny. From Apex of his career to Vicissitudes of life & finally true happiness.
    讓一切隨風 ("Let Everything Go With The Wind").

    Kenny Bee comes from a single family & not well off but he has a talent for music. He is a HK singer, musician, actor & director. He is best known as the singer of the group the Wynners. But they went separate ways in 1978. So Bee embarked on a solo career as an actor in Taiwan, playing lead roles in a number of Taiwan romantic movies. The 1990s was his apex of his career. He was one of the most popular actors. The 1st HK singer/actor to own a Lamborghini car which generate a Buzz in the HK.

    But his fortunate started to go downhill when he married Canadian socialite, Teresa Cheung (章小蕙) after only 21 days of courtship. She is a real stunner, sexy beautiful woman and was born with a "Diamond" spoon. His luxury wedding cost HK$3M (S$500k).

    She (Teresa Cheung) once famously said that she can go without eating, but not without shopping for pretty clothes.

    Kenny Bee once happily says to reporter. " 老 婆 就 是 娶 来 的 疼 ". He was later pay dearly for it.

    They have 2 children. A few years later, his earning is not as good as in the past. But his wife continued her uncontrolled spending. It was her investment in five HK property exacerbate his financial problem. Kenny Bee has to work even harder to pay for his debt.

    In 1997 Asian financial crisis, his investment in real estates were greatly affected. Coming from a single family. He did not want to give his children a broken home. But his wife began to embrace his good friend , a billionaire, Chen (his wife , a former model was bedridden with cancer at that time) . When the scandal broke out. He was under extreme pressure from reporters reporting it. It was his wife extra marital affair with his billionaire good friend that trigger his determination to divorce her. Finally, their married ended in 1999.

    In 2002, his debt had balloon to HK$250million. He filed for bankruptcy as it is the only way out. He refused help from his "die hard fan" as well as his many good friends help. He worked extremely hard to pay off his debt. He also took many low level acting job to pay for his debt. Under HK bankruptcy law. All his salary earned had to go to bank. The bank leaves him only some allowance for basic living. Sometimes, he goes hungry. No taxi , no oversea holiday , no fine restaurant, no branded items etc unless it is paid by others. From driving Lamborghini to taking MRT/Bus to work. Many HK pizzazz reporters followed Kenny almost everywhere to capture Kenny Bee's Vicissitudes of life. He soon realised that most of his friends are avoiding him & some even mock at him for his stupidity. 浪子心聲

    During his downturn, he met a wonder younger woman, Fan Jiang who help him to overcome his divorce. Kenny's wife did not take good care of their children well. So Fan Jiang help him to take care of his 2 children while he was working. When he saw the news that his good friend HK singer Leslie Cheung (A perfectionist) commit suicided on 1st Apr2003. Already depressed Kenny Bee went into brief deep depression. Kenny cried & told Fan Jiang to leave him as he got no future. She is young & got many suitor. She was stunned by his profuse crying .She is more determined not leave him.

    Four years of hard work together with his woman, Fan Jiang. In 2006, he finally discharged from bankruptcy. In 2014, Kenny Bee & Fan Jiang married. They are destiny to be husband and wife. They have their own 2 children as well as Kenny Bee 1st marriage 2 children. A great family live as one.

    Many of his HK friends, especially Alan Tam admired Kenny Bee determination to over his Vicissitudes of life. He is probably the most qualified to talk about life experience. No others have come close to it.

    Life is full of obstacles. It is a long journey of many struggles , sadness , grief & happiness. Some will experience extreme vicissitudes of life like Kenny. It will be a long process of painful stages of grief. From denial (Why me?) to anger & slowly may go into depression which need friends & family helps. Some turn to religion to seek peace in life .一生何求. "In Life What Does One Wish For?"

    The next stage . Finally they accept the reality of life (calm period). They learn to live with it as life needs to move on.In all these grief periods, from denial, anger , depression & acceptance, 90% of them did not make much different in their life. 沉默是金 . Silence is golden

    Only a few % manage to change the cause of the life into using the traumatic experience to help others to overcome grief. They have managed to get back on their feet & wants to give back to society.
    They know life is all about learning, adapting & converting experiences into positive learning. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experiences; both are essential to life.

    They know F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget Everything and Run,' or, 'Face Everything and Rise. Fear is something we all have faced, and will face again.

    They accept people for who they are, not for what you want them to be. don’t try to change who they are. Word of wisdom. Let it be - A mature inner mind and a kind of self-confidence & grasp to acceptance that things sometimes cannot be change.

    They know Forgiveness is a healing process. An important action that can lead to a place of greater healing and peace. They know Forgiving, and letting go of anger and resentment, has shown to benefit a person's physical health. A powerful motivational tool. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.


  4. #154
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Fate & destiny, unconditional love & power of mother love.
    The woman is weak. Being a mother makes you stronger

    Born in 1980. Wang Leilei (王蕾蕾') had poor eyesight from an early age . At that time, she wouldn't know what was in store for her. But It did not stop her from becoming a famous modeling.
    At the age of 18, she was already a China supermodel.

    But things went wrong with her eyes after her catwalk. A sudden total darkness in front of the eyes. She was later diagnosed with rare retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The doctor said no medicine can be cured & the end result is blindness. Hearing what the doctor said. She cried alone at the corner. "Why me!" She became depressed .She even thought of suicide. She finally accepted the reality that will eventually become blind.

    She talked to her boyfriends about her eyes condition. But when one of the parents knew about their vision problems. The parents threatened her with "How much do you want to break up?" In the end, She had to end up with a breakup. But it is also the feelings of these two failures that make her realize relying on herself is the long solution- She will stay with her parents forever & never marry.

    She underwent surgery abroad. After an operation, her vision was corrected slightly. But doctors say her vision will still worsen over time. Since then, she has been more desperate to walk, she wants to go to all major catwalk before totally blind, to win more opportunities to stage.

    At her lowest moment. She feels grateful for fate's intervention. She met her future husband on Valentine's Day in 2003. They bump to each other by chance. He was stunned by her beauty. After knowing that her eyes condition through his friend. He not only did not retreat under fierce opposition of his family, but also enhanced his desire to protect her. His persistence courtship really touch her.

    In 2004, her near miss wrong calculation which half if her foot was off the edge during the cat walk. She knew it may get worse in the future. She couldn't ruin the show because of her own mistakes. So she left the catwalk job and worked as an auto show model and other related model job that is not dangerous.

    They got married in 2004 against his husband family fierce opposition. The doctor told them that if she had a baby, her vision would accelerate her blindness . All the nutrients in her body will be given to her children. So her vision will decline particular fast. But the power of love is great. She said "I have never hesitated, you can take away my right to see the world, but cannot my right to be a mother.

    My husband can't live alone with this blind person. She was thinking about giving her husband a complete home with children which is also a reward for their love . Finally gave birth to the child under the strong opposition of the husband. When the second child was born, she was completely blind. Her husband really became her eyes the light of her life.

    Her mood would soon hit rock bottom. Her established modeling agency and a modeling school run into serious problem. To make things worse, her father passed away of liver cancer. 48 days later, her grandmother died, too. She contemplating suicide thought. She was suffering from postpartum depression and crying at home all day. She began to step on the windowsill, and was taking another step. The eldest son saw it & grabbed her leg and cried: "Mom, what are you going to do ? " Her husband saw it and pulled her back in. 'Don't you love us anymore?'" Eventually, it was love that encouraged her to start over again.

    It is because she and her husband are full of love. They can work together jointly break through the shackles of darkness and usher in a new life. Once lost dream, she is so loved and have a happy family. She and her husband are inseparable. Together they work, travel, and go to movies like any other loving couples. She is thankful for fate's intervention. It is their destiny to be together "written" by their deep love for each other.


    In my life, there's been heartache and pain

    I don't know if I can face it again

    Can't stop now, I've traveled so far

    To change this lonely life

    I wanna know what love is

    I want you to show me

    I wanna feel what love is

    I know you can show me

    I'm gonna take a little time

    A little time to look around me

    I've got nowhere left to hide

    It looks like love has finally found me

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    [COLOR=var(--primary-text)]The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 was created. It is a new global monetary system. It replaced the gold standard with the U.S. dollar as the global currency. USA (DOMINANT power ) became the only country with the ability to print $$$. Why US dollars? Because the US held 3/4 of the world's supply of gold. No other currency had enough gold to back it as a replacement. It required a all currency peg to the U.S. dollar which was in turn pegged to the price of gold. The USD value was $35 of an ounce of gold.

    In 1971, US President shocked the world stating that the US Dollar would no longer be redeemable (exchange) for gold. By 1973 the Bretton Woods System had collapsed.

    But In the 1974, United States struck a deal with Saudi to standardize oil prices in dollar terms in return for US defense protection & investment. Soon other Opec Oil countries agreed to use U.S. dollars for oil contracts. The US dollar had become a substitute for gold (hard asset). The petrodollar system was born.

    This way US can keep printing “paper” money without any kind of real asset such as “gold” to back up her dollar. In effect, she can go into deficit, & spend without care. For the last 40 yrs +, they had been running a trade deficit.

    US military hegemony (霸权)
    Any countries that threaten the USD’s reserve currency status. The 7 fleet of aircraft carriers will be at their doorstep to threaten them. If it doesnt work, it will use their hegemony financial system to ensure their economies collapse to remove their countries leader not friendly to US.

    Gaddafi (Libya) was making moves to ditch USD for oil. US Bombed Libya & eventually get him killed

    Saddam signed a deal with France and Germany to sell oil for Euros. US invaded Iraq in 2003 & eventually killed him.

    N Korea, Iran,Syria & Venezuela are under attacked by US for the past few years which threatened US interest, Their economies are almost collapsing. Millions of their people are suffering under US sanction.

    US technology hegemony (霸权)
    30 years ago, the US believed Japanese semiconductor Toshiba seriously threatened the economic interests of the US & the whole of Japanese high-end manufacturing future plan had the challenges the technological hegemony ( (霸权)) of the US.

    The US ordered the Japanese Police dept to arrest 2 of Toshiba employees. They were sentenced to 10 yrs years jailed for exporting precision instruments to Russia.

    The US also imposed penalties on Toshiba Group:

    1) Closing Toshiba's factory in the US.
    2) A 100% tariff on Toshiba products sold to the US.

    3) Fine of 1 trillion yen on Toshiba (>US$10B in today value).

    4)The chairman and General mgr of Toshiba Group resigned.

    5)Japan's semiconductor industry will unconditionally share technology with American companies.

    US is the master of Japan as the military is still dependent on US despite being the No2 world economic power. Toshiba gradually losing its past glory. It was eventually bought over by Taiwan Foxconn sharp in 2018.

    This time Toshiba has been replaced by Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant. USA has no intention to allow any country to surpass them. They will use all tactics, evil or otherwise, to subjugate any one.
    Before Huawei. It was French company which was eventually bought over by US GE.

    US Financial hegemony (霸权)
    Over the years, the US has relied on its financial hegemony (霸权) to reap world wealth. It is shown in the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.

    It began with "hot money" from US "pump" in Asia which cause a series of asset bubbles in the early 90s .Mostly funded by heavy foreign currency (USD) borrowing from banks due to the cheap US borrowing rate against their local rate.

    Before Jul 1997. 1998 peak crisis
    1 USD = Indonesia 2600 14000
    1 USD = Malaysia 2.5 4.57
    1 USD = Thai bath 24.5 41
    1 USD = S Korea 850 1290

    The currency traders (George Soros) and hedge fund which can easily borrow without any constrain. It began attacking the Thai baht's. It proved successful and it currency devalued & CRASHED. It led to contagious effect. They move their target to other Asian currencies including the Malaysian ringgit, Indonesian rupiah, Korea, HK etc

    Our former PM LKY asked former US Fed chairman to help Indonesia to ride out the crisis in 1998. He flatly refused. Weeks later , the Indonesia1998 May Riots exploded. The widespread sexual violence were directed against ethnic Chinese women during the riots. These attacks was a dark chapter in Indonesia’s history

    At the height of the crisis, the Korean Airline with asset of 100 planes were left less than 3 planes.

    DBS merged with POSB.

    In Malaysia, former PM Mahathir blamed George Soros for the Msia crisis. It was saved introduction capital control to prevent Currency traders & hedge fund for further attack.

    US Financial crisis in 2008.
    On 15 Sept 2008, Lehman Brothers, one of the oldest (158 yrs), richest, most powerful investment banks in the world filed for bankruptcy. It triggered Cash Crunch around the Global.

    Citigroup stock price from $50 to just $0.99 cents. Las Vegas sand from $140 to just $2+ etc. The cost of a LV bag (US$3k+) can buy a small house.

    Former Hillary Clinton & Pualson "Finance minister" asked China for help to pull the world out of the crisis. China knew it is the interest for US & China to co- operate to ease the once in a century US financial crisis. US & the world was able to ride out of the crisis & recovered .

    The covid 19 pandemic crisis
    The 2008 US financial crisis was a harrowing experience for me. Nearly bankrupt due to over leverage.

    So no lesson learnt is as vivid as long lasting as it my own HARROWING experience. I trust nobody especially the bankers advise. Taking financial advise from banker to leverage high risk product is like taking medical advice from a "drug dealer".

    A few gigantic group of hedge fund ("Drug cartel" ) will another big crisis sooner or later. It will again relied on its financial hegemony (霸权) again to reap world wealth again. The question is when (1997/1998 . 2018/2019 - every 10 yrs ?).

    Never in my wildness dream that the Covid19 is the triggering "blacks swan" event in 2020. Russia , Japan & Chinese said the virus origin is from US base on their scientific analysis. US Trump govt said it is from China. The US scientist group said it is from Europe. Hopefully, the answer can be know in 3 to 5 years time.

    The spread of the virus around the world caused the country-wide shutdowns. Pandemic Bills were so big that the whole world began astronomical Money-Printing again. It created a historical record low interest rate affects the man in the street. We are heading toward a much more bigger BLACK HOLE.

    US NEW COLD WAR toward China
    The Chinese govt knows that having a large TRILLION of reserve is not enough to way off any attack from US. They know that US will use force to bring China to it knee soon or later .

    China begins the 20 yrs + preparation way ahead to prepare a unavoidable eventual trade war. They have been assiduously studying the Japan mistakes. China won’t repeat 1988 Japan’s Plaza Accord past mistake.

    人无远虑, 必有近忧. If one country or a person has no long-term considerations, he can hardly avoid troubles every now and then.

    China Military also aggressively started to learn from US & Russian on scientific military research on Advancing their military capability. The last 30 yrs advancement of modernizing of China military leave US in a state of real astonished shock. Aircraft carrier , 5th gen fighter jet , Advance Beidou military satellite , new anti missile aircraft carrier killer, 5G & AI etc.

    For the last 10 yrs, US attacked China from all angle. Tibet, Xinjiang, South China Sea, HK protestors, Taiwan , Huawei 5G, Tiktok ,trade war etc. It did not bring China to it knee.

    On Investment
    The US is ready to do whatever it takes to bring China down to it knee. If possible 斩草除根 so that China will threaten US hegemony in the next 100 yrs.

    Trump may do the extreme unthinking method
    1) cancelling all or part of the US$1.1 trillion debt owed to China.

    2) Start a short war with China at South China Sea help him to win the 3rd Nov 2020 election.

    3) The US RATING agency Moody , S&P & Fitch "intentionally" downgrade China [COLOR=var(--primary-text)]sovereign credit [/COLOR]rating to one notch below junk status which will create Panic selling in China/HK mkt.
    Together with the CNN , FOX , CNBC , BBC , Bloomberg [COLOR=var(--primary-text)]exaggerating the collapse of Chinese companies & eventually the govt.
    etc etc

    In another video from the Indian boy astrology prediction. THIS VIDEO IN SHORT

    So be very careful with your investment. No leveraging. Only invest from your Spare cash. Consider contribute more to your own CPF if you are above age 50s. You dont have the time horizon to ride out from the crisis which may take very long to recover.

    Unbelievable , unimaginable ,inconceivable, unthinkable
    1 Apple Co. mkt value US $2 trillion = Whole of Italy GDP US$2 trillion
    10 Apple Co mkt value US$2 trillion added up = Whole of US GDP 21 trillion
    7 Apple Co mkt value US$2 Trillion added up = Whole of China GDP 14 trillion.



  6. #156
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    “Mountains May Depart” - Most emotional movie - MUST WATCH

    The film set in the medium-sized town of Fenyang (China northern Shanxi province) in 1999. 25-year-old shopkeeper Tao (Woman - Zhao Tao) is torn between two suitors. Jingsheng (Zhang Yi) is a well-off gas station owner whom she has little connection with but could drastically improve her material living conditions. She feels closer to Liangzi (Liang Jingdong), a poor laborer in a local coal mine. When confronted by both men, Tao decides to marry Jingsheng (Well off gas station owner) in the hope of leaving Fenyang.

    In 2014, Tao is divorced from Jingsheng and still living in Fenyang, running the prosperous gas station and being a prominent and generous woman in the city. Jingsheng has since remarried and lives in Shanghai, and has become wealthy from investments. Liangzi (Poor Laborer ) works as a miner near Handan, in the neighboring province of Hebei, and has gotten ill.

    Most of the 2nd act focuses on Zhao Tao (The mother) and Jingsheng's son, Daole (pronounced Dollar in English ) aged 7, who comes to visit her for the funeral of her father. ZhaoTao (The Mother) s upset by Daole's (Her Son) distance, which she acknowledges is due to their cultural differences - a product of Jingsheng's (Father) fascination with globalization. ZhaoTao (The Mother) , knowing they are fated to be apart, decides to ride the slow train with Daole (Her Son) , instead of sending him on a plane back to Shanghai. As a parting gift, Zhao Tao (The Mother) makes Daole (Her Son) a set of keys for her house so that he can return to his mother's home whenever he wants.

    In 2025, Daole (Her son Migrated to Aust with his father) is attending college in Australia. He is constantly fighting with his father (Jingsheng) over his desire to drop out of college and have the freedom he was never granted in his childhood. He meets Mia (Play by 張艾嘉) , his Chinese language teacher, an older woman for whom he develops feelings and eventually begins a relationship with. Dollar (The son - Daole ) shares with Mia (Play by 張艾嘉 ) how he still carries the keys his mother (Zhao Tao living in China) gave him when he was a young boy, and that he fears she may die, even though they have not talked for years. Mia convinces him to fly back to China with her so that he can see Tao.

    The film ends with Tao dancing to "Go West", recalling the beginning of the film when, as a young woman, she was dancing merrily with all of her then fellows , full of hope for a better life. Any reunion with Daole (Dollar) is not seen.

    Together, we will go our way
    Together, we will leave someday
    Together, your hand in my hands
    Together, we will make our plans

  7. #157
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    山河故人《珍重》 By Salley Yeh

  8. #158
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    山河故人《珍重》 By Salley Yeh

    Life is a process of gain and loss, cherish life
    叶倩文 Sally 珍重

  9. #159
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Only those who have gone through untold suffering will be thoroughly awakened.

    Change is the only way, although it with pain.

    人生不会苦一辈子,但一定会苦一阵子,如果你逃避苦这一阵子,就一定会苦一辈子 “In life, you will not suffer forever, but you will definitely suffer for a period of time. If you run away from short term sufferings, you will definitely suffer forever!”

    Life is a process of gain and loss.
    cherish life

  10. #160
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    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph


    How would you know what is happiness until you have suffered?
    click: 🏢shoeboxmickeymousehouse 🏢

  11. #161
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Very beautiful and emotional song.

  12. #162
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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    1. 31 March 2020
    MAS and Financial Industry to Support Individuals and SMEs Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

    2. 07 April 2020
    MAS Clarifies Loan-to-Value and Total Debt Servicing Ratio Rules for Residential Mortgages and Mortgage Equity Withdrawal Loans

    3. 30 April 2020
    MAS and Financial Industry Provide Additional Support for Individuals

    4. 16 July 2020
    MAS, banks to study how best to wean companies and individuals off Covid-19 relief measures: Ravi Menon

    He noted that banks have deferred payments on principal or interest or both on about 34,000 mortgage loans until Dec 31.

    5. WED, JUL 29, 2020 - 5:50 AM

    Close to 10% of Singapore mortgages, or over S$15b, under debt moratorium

    6. Published Date: 29 July 2020

    MAS Calls on Local Banks to Moderate FY2020 Dividends

    2 While the Local Banks’ capital positions are strong, the dividend restrictions are a pre-emptive measure to bolster their resilience and capacity to support lending to businesses and individuals through an uncertain period ahead for our economy. Earlier, in April 2020, MAS had encouraged banks in Singapore to ensure that sustained lending took priority over discretionary distributions [2] .

    7. 01 Oct 2020 - Between April and August, about 2,500 households took up financial assistance offered by HDB, such as deferring their loan installments or reducing the amount they have to pay in each installment, said Mr. Lee.

    8. 05 October 2020

    MAS and Financial Industry Extend Support for Individuals and SMEs who Need More Time to Resume Loan Repayments
    The Best Time to buy Property is Yesterday.
    If you lose Money it because you sell on a wrong Day.

    You don't Buy others will Buy.
    You don't Sell, others will Sell.

  13. #163
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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    The Best Time to buy Property is Yesterday.
    If you lose Money it because you sell on a wrong Day.

    You don't Buy others will Buy.
    You don't Sell, others will Sell.

  14. #164
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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post

    Life is a process of gain and loss, cherish life
    叶倩文 Sally 珍重
    I am a big friend of Sally Yeh since 90s

  15. #165
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    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by stl67 View Post
    I am a big friend of Sally Yeh since 90s
    Hi Old Friend

    Me too, and Jacky Cheung as well

    I have yet to attend Sally's concert.. hope to have it in my life

  16. #166
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    The Important of housekeeping

    I was "educated" the important of housekeeping when 0I worked for Matsushita Japan as a assembly line operator for about 2 mths before I was enlisted to NS. The Japanese mgmt philosophy known as 5S. In Japanese words are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. They can be translated as Sort, Set in order, Shine ( clean), Standardize, and Sustain It was strictly implemented.

    During my army time, good housekeeping practice were strictly followed. Any lapse will result being punished.

    For me, I almost regularly do housekeeping to ensure that everything at home are cleaned , tidy, well organized and things in its correct place. All my important documents are filed properly .

    A cleaned , well organized & tidy home benefits
    1) Give me a feeling of safety .
    My children can pick up anything on the floor and put it in their mouth especially medicine. Potential fire hazard like faulty electrical , lighter , candle etc are out of reach from the children.

    2) Comfort .

    A Minimalist homes. Keep it simple. Less stuff = less stuff to clean = less dust, dirt and allergies. Clean & neater home mean inner peace of mind.

    3) Better health.

    Less dust , no dust mite, bacteria & insects like ants , cockroach, lizard crawling all over the place etc.

    4) Less stressful.

    Seeing piles of laundry or necessities items all over your home can cause stress. So Clutter really makes it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally for your family.

    I store all items of the same type in the same place. Designate a spot like keys , phone etc for which will need it daily. Important documents must be filed properly & keep in designated a place where I can look at it with a glance. With all things in place, You will spend less time looking for things you have misplaced.

    5) You can sleep better.

    No insects clawing into your beds. No Dust mite in your bed.

    My regularly visit to IKEA, JAPAN HOME, DAISO to buy all the necessities for my home. Cheap & good. I bought Dozen of transparent (see through) boxes .

    My purchased from Online Lazarda & shopee during promotion. Under Lazada "Home & lifestyle", you will able to get some idea how to make your home more organize.

    Japan WakuWaku TV programs which I always watch. (Starhub Chn 813 or Singtel 268 or 520.)

    Before & after
    Waku Waku japan The Before and After Spesial Obyek 312 | Rumah Tempat Kamu Tidur diluar - YouTube

    Danshari deny dispose detach
    DANSHARI】Hideko Yamashita, the creator of Danshari, shares her home kitchen! - YouTube
    Danshari(断捨離) - YouTube

    At work place

    I joined my "DREAM & branded company" American MNC 27 years ago. I was shocked that the housekeeping level it quite messy for such a big BRANDED MNC. It later found out that due to it fast pace natural type of its biz & have thousand of different parts on the production line. Not a easy feat to maintain a clean place to work. But it "CAN BE DONE". It was many months of hardwork journey to make it a tidy & well organized place. We spent thousand of dollars of buying rack , container , custom built furniture etc. Re-arranged the machines in the right flow. Implemented duty roster to get everybody to play a part in keeping the place clean & tidy It is a sense of satisfaction to see improvement.

  17. #167
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    The Important of housekeeping

    I was "educated" the important of housekeeping when 0I worked for Matsushita Japan as a assembly line operator for about 2 mths before I was enlisted to NS. The Japanese mgmt philosophy known as 5S. In Japanese words are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. They can be translated as Sort, Set in order, Shine ( clean), Standardize, and Sustain It was strictly implemented.

    During my army time, good housekeeping practice were strictly followed. Any lapse will result being punished.

    For me, I almost regularly do housekeeping to ensure that everything at home are cleaned , tidy, well organized and things in its correct place. All my important documents are filed properly .

    A cleaned , well organized & tidy home benefits
    1) Give me a feeling of safety .
    My children can pick up anything on the floor and put it in their mouth especially medicine. Potential fire hazard like faulty electrical , lighter , candle etc are out of reach from the children.

    2) Comfort .

    A Minimalist homes. Keep it simple. Less stuff = less stuff to clean = less dust, dirt and allergies. Clean & neater home mean inner peace of mind.

    3) Better health.

    Less dust , no dust mite, bacteria & insects like ants , cockroach, lizard crawling all over the place etc.

    4) Less stressful.

    Seeing piles of laundry or necessities items all over your home can cause stress. So Clutter really makes it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally for your family.

    I store all items of the same type in the same place. Designate a spot like keys , phone etc for which will need it daily. Important documents must be filed properly & keep in designated a place where I can look at it with a glance. With all things in place, You will spend less time looking for things you have misplaced.

    5) You can sleep better.

    No insects clawing into your beds. No Dust mite in your bed.

    My regularly visit to IKEA, JAPAN HOME, DAISO to buy all the necessities for my home. Cheap & good. I bought Dozen of transparent (see through) boxes .

    My purchased from Online Lazarda & shopee during promotion. Under Lazada "Home & lifestyle", you will able to get some idea how to make your home more organize.

    Japan WakuWaku TV programs which I always watch. (Starhub Chn 813 or Singtel 268 or 520.)

    Before & after
    Waku Waku japan The Before and After Spesial Obyek 312 | Rumah Tempat Kamu Tidur diluar - YouTube

    Danshari deny dispose detach
    DANSHARI】Hideko Yamashita, the creator of Danshari, shares her home kitchen! - YouTube
    Danshari(断捨離) - YouTube

    At work place

    I joined my "DREAM & branded company" American MNC 27 years ago. I was shocked that the housekeeping level it quite messy for such a big BRANDED MNC. It later found out that due to it fast pace natural type of its biz & have thousand of different parts on the production line. Not a easy feat to maintain a clean place to work. But it "CAN BE DONE". It was many months of hardwork journey to make it a tidy & well organized place. We spent thousand of dollars of buying rack , container , custom built furniture etc. Re-arranged the machines in the right flow. Implemented duty roster to get everybody to play a part in keeping the place clean & tidy It is a sense of satisfaction to see improvement.

    She was once having Yen$60m debt (US$600k) & depress. Surprisingly her luck improve exponentially after she followed her Fengshui master recommendation. She cleared her US$600k debt & became financial better off. She became a Fengshui master herself (12 yrs practice). Thousand of CEO seek her advice on Fengshui.

    Simple DIY basic Fengshui in your home.
    1) Keep things tidy & clean.
    2) Keep the Path to the Front Door Clear
    3) Remove obstacles which shouldnt be there (spoil or damage items).
    4) Having a well-lighted home revs up positive energy. Natural light can make us feel happier and more positive .
    5) Add plants for good energy.

  18. #168
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post
    The Important of housekeeping

    I was "educated" the important of housekeeping when 0I worked for Matsushita Japan as a assembly line operator for about 2 mths before I was enlisted to NS. The Japanese mgmt philosophy known as 5S. In Japanese words are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. They can be translated as Sort, Set in order, Shine ( clean), Standardize, and Sustain It was strictly implemented.

    During my army time, good housekeeping practice were strictly followed. Any lapse will result being punished.

    For me, I almost regularly do housekeeping to ensure that everything at home are cleaned , tidy, well organized and things in its correct place. All my important documents are filed properly .

    A cleaned , well organized & tidy home benefits
    1) Give me a feeling of safety .
    My children can pick up anything on the floor and put it in their mouth especially medicine. Potential fire hazard like faulty electrical , lighter , candle etc are out of reach from the children.

    2) Comfort .

    A Minimalist homes. Keep it simple. Less stuff = less stuff to clean = less dust, dirt and allergies. Clean & neater home mean inner peace of mind.

    3) Better health.

    Less dust , no dust mite, bacteria & insects like ants , cockroach, lizard crawling all over the place etc.

    4) Less stressful.

    Seeing piles of laundry or necessities items all over your home can cause stress. So Clutter really makes it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally for your family.

    I store all items of the same type in the same place. Designate a spot like keys , phone etc for which will need it daily. Important documents must be filed properly & keep in designated a place where I can look at it with a glance. With all things in place, You will spend less time looking for things you have misplaced.

    5) You can sleep better.

    No insects clawing into your beds. No Dust mite in your bed.

    My regularly visit to IKEA, JAPAN HOME, DAISO to buy all the necessities for my home. Cheap & good. I bought Dozen of transparent (see through) boxes .

    My purchased from Online Lazarda & shopee during promotion. Under Lazada "Home & lifestyle", you will able to get some idea how to make your home more organize.

    Japan WakuWaku TV programs which I always watch. (Starhub Chn 813 or Singtel 268 or 520.)

    Before & after
    Waku Waku japan The Before and After Spesial Obyek 312 | Rumah Tempat Kamu Tidur diluar - YouTube

    Danshari deny dispose detach
    DANSHARI】Hideko Yamashita, the creator of Danshari, shares her home kitchen! - YouTube
    Danshari(断捨離) - YouTube

    At work place

    I joined my "DREAM & branded company" American MNC 27 years ago. I was shocked that the housekeeping level it quite messy for such a big BRANDED MNC. It later found out that due to it fast pace natural type of its biz & have thousand of different parts on the production line. Not a easy feat to maintain a clean place to work. But it "CAN BE DONE". It was many months of hardwork journey to make it a tidy & well organized place. We spent thousand of dollars of buying rack , container , custom built furniture etc. Re-arranged the machines in the right flow. Implemented duty roster to get everybody to play a part in keeping the place clean & tidy It is a sense of satisfaction to see improvement.

    This is definitely a "bad" kitchen FengShui. Messy, untidy & poorly lighted. Rather than spending a few thousand dollars for your future US or Europe or Japan or Korea family holiday. You should spend it renovating the "bad Fengshui kitchen. U are going to use this kitchen for your rest of your life .

  19. #169
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584 View Post

    This is definitely a "bad" kitchen FengShui. Messy, untidy & poorly lighted. Rather than spending a few thousand dollars for your future US or Europe or Japan or Korea family holiday. You should spend it renovating the "bad Fengshui kitchen. U are going to use this kitchen for your rest of your life .

    [COLOR=var(--primary-text)][COLOR=var(--primary-text)]Room too messy. Very bad Fengshui. No inner peace at home.



  20. #170
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    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    [COLOR=var(--primary-text)]Poverty - 穷 穷 穷

    This is what my wife experience 16 years. Her own relatives look down on them as they were poor. Their relatives would not invite them when there were gathering. Nobody visits their house during Chinese year new.
    Her grandfather passed away when she was early 20s. She was very angry & sad as their parents did not have the money to send her grandfather to hospital. She knelt down in front on her grandfather grave [COLOR=var(--primary-text)]& promised to move her family member out from poverty. [/COLOR] She has the strong WILL POWER . Where there's a will, there's a way[COLOR=var(--primary-text)]

    [/COLOR]Only those who have gone through untold family suffering will be thoroughly awakened. Change is the only way, although it with challenge & pain. The Challenges can make her (move out poverty) or break her. If she doesn’t challenge herself, her family will be remain poor for most of their life.

    Fate bring us together in 2005. I did help her. But it is her own courage (NO FEAR) , determination to give a better life for her family & intelligent that enable her to make her own money and eventually to move her family out from poverty. Her relatives respect them as she is financially better off than 16 years ago. 16 years later. 风水轮流转 The "tables" have turned. Her own relatives began to suffer financially & not doing well . She is doing quite well. So much better than 16 years ago.

    Whether you believe it or not, fear is our greatest enemy. They fear failure, or fear what others will think, and begin to doubt their capabilities.
    When that happens you become afraid of your own thoughts. Fear can become so powerful that it can resonate with you for the rest of your life.



    学学 学学 学 学 学学 一定要学习. 天天学 天天学 天天学 持续学习

    财商之道17 - YouTube

    Lee Kuan Yew quotes
    I never ceased to be a students. I never ceased to be a student.

    My definition of an educated man is a man who never stops learning and wants to learn. I am not interested in whether a man has a Ph.D or not, or an M.A. for that matter, or a diploma.

    I believe that life is a process of continuous change and a constant struggle to make that change one for the better.

    “After trying out a number of ways to reduce inequalities and failing, I was gradually forced to conclude that the decisive factors were the people, their natural abilities, education and training. Knowledge and the possession of technology were vital for the creation of wealth.”

    Li Ka Shing quotes .Education will help eradicate poverty “Knowledge Changes Fate”.

    “When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.”

    Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self confidence you will have.
    You are never too old to learn. You live .You learn.

  21. #171
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Poverty - 穷 穷 穷
    财商之道16 - YouTube

    This is what my wife experience 16 years. Her own relatives look down on them as they were poor. Their relatives would not invite them when there were gathering. Nobody visits their house during Chinese year new.
    Her grandfather passed away when she was early 20s. She was very angry & sad as their parents did not have the money to send her grandfather to hospital. She knelt down in front on her grandfather grave [COLOR=var(--primary-text)]& promised to move her family member out from poverty. She has the strong WILL POWER . Where there's a will, there's a way

    Only those who have gone through untold family suffering will be thoroughly awakened. Change is the only way, although it with challenge & pain. The Challenges can make her (move out poverty) or break her. If she doesn’t challenge herself, her family will be remain poor for most of their life.

    Fate bring us together in 2005. I did help her. But it is her own courage (NO FEAR) , determination to give a better life for her family & intelligent that enable her to make her own money and eventually to move her family out from poverty. Her relatives respect them as she is financially better off than 16 years ago. 16 years later. 风水轮流转 The "tables" have turned. Her own relatives began to suffer financially & not doing well . She is doing quite well. So much better than 16 years ago.

    Whether you believe it or not, fear is our greatest enemy. They fear failure, or fear what others will think, and begin to doubt their capabilities.
    When that happens you become afraid of your own thoughts. Fear can become so powerful that it can resonate with you for the rest of your life.

    学学 学学 学 学 学学 一定要学习. 天天学 天天学 天天学 持续学习

    财商之道17 - YouTube

    Lee Kuan Yew quotes
    I never ceased to be a students. I never ceased to be a student.

    My definition of an educated man is a man who never stops learning and wants to learn. I am not interested in whether a man has a Ph.D or not, or an M.A. for that matter, or a diploma.

    I believe that life is a process of continuous change and a constant struggle to make that change one for the better.

    “After trying out a number of ways to reduce inequalities and failing, I was gradually forced to conclude that the decisive factors were the people, their natural abilities, education and training. Knowledge and the possession of technology were vital for the creation of wealth.”

    Li Ka Shing quotes .Education will help eradicate poverty “Knowledge Changes Fate”.

    “When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.”

    Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self confidence you will have.
    You are never too old to learn. You live .You learn.

  22. #172
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    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    especially true during these times. Keep fighting! We can get through this!

  23. #173
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Important Things that a young working adult MUST know

    1) The 1st most important is the buy your 1st property as early as possible base on your affordability . Govt BTO HDB flat is your 1st consideration. Private ppty is your least consideration unless you have the ability to hold for long term appreciation

    2) Income and expense. Liabilities & asset

    Financial management: management=action, finance=result, Finance= Freedom

    Money flow into your POCKET without “PERSONAL GROWTH” (good financial management ) is call “LUCK” or advantageous of being fresh & young. But LUCK will run out.

    Those HK/TW singers/actors & top managerial level become poor at later stage of their life due lack of financial knowledge. They have no idea what are their expenses & liabilities are .They do not know or have no idea how their money flows. They will say they don’t have time for financial planning . What they are actually saying is THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW as I am still earning good money. So It Is not my PRIORITY.

    A financial plan helps you be in control of your income, expenses and investments such that you can manage your money and achieve your financial freedom goal.

    Knowing where your money goes helps u manage our cashflow better. Keep track of your income and expenses. You need a clear understanding of where your money is going, to assess the health of your finances.

    3) Insurance – Critical important financial planning

    Life & health insurance are one of the most important financial products you must buy as early as possible.

    a) Cheap Term insurance include critical illness coverage

    If family members have history of inherited faulty gene like cancer (breast), diabetes etc. Important to buy $300k-$1m cheap term insurance with critical illness for protection as early as possible.

    b) Accident plan. If u work in the high risk sector like Shipyard, construction etc. Be sure you have enough coverage.

    c) Compulsory govt Medishield life (for hospital plan coverage)

    d) Compulsory govt CareShield Life which is a long-term care insurance scheme that provides basic financial support should Singaporeans become severely disabled, especially during old age.

    4) CPF

    It is one of the best scheme for retirement plan in the world. CPF pension is ranked No7 in the world. But I think it should be ranked No1 in the world. Why ? Because it allow the "average Joe" to have $1m at age 55 with a stable job earning 5k/mth till age 55.

    The key to success is to start early as young as possible & be Patience & have faith in our CPF system.

    We need a safety net that we can rely on no matter how adverse our financial situation. This is because our CPF funds will kept safe from any legal liabilities (like bankruptcy ), SCAM or even from your closest family member.

    5) Dopamine, Serotonin & Endorphins- Our body HAPPY Chemical

    Good HEALTH is your the greatest asset. No health no life. Your health and well being should be your No.1 priority.

    Singaporeans were estimated to have spent a grand total of $3b seeking direct medical help for stress-related illnesses a year.

    Dopamine, Serotonin & Endorphins ,HAPPY Chemical in our body can help to keep our body healthy, physically & mentally.

    The following activities show ways to naturally increase & release the HAPPY chemical in our body.

    a) Exercising that make you sweat like HELL.
    Walking, jogging, badminton, tennis intensity fitness workout etc

    This Is What REALLY Happens As You Start Exercising (Animated) - YouTube

    b) Hot Yoga or steam bath or hot jacuzzi follow by cold bath – Very “shiok” remedy for stress & minor insomnia(not sleeping well)

    c) Laughing
    Benefits your health. It is the Best Medicine.

    d) Listen to music
    Music gives your Happy hormones a boost. Listening to instrumental music, especially music that gives you chills & increase dopamine production in your brain.

    Music that boost your energy level

    Music that calm and relax your mind

    Motivational music

    Music Trigger Specific Memories

    Hatred is the most destructive. You cannot lead a normal life

    Forgiveness is a healing process. An important action that can lead to a place of greater healing and peace. Forgiving, and letting go of anger and resentment, has shown to benefit a person's physical health. A powerful motivational tool. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

    Forgive your boss, Forgive your husband/wife, forgive your friend, forgive your colleague , forgive those try to hurt you.

    6) The VERY important of Reading - For Personal growth.

    To figure out why we are not happy or why we are stuck financially. Only reading self improvement books can get us out of the current predicament. Reading lead to mindset changes. It can really change your life.

    If we change how we think, we change our mindset. If we change our mindset, we change our behaviors. If we change our behaviors, we change our habits. If we change our habits, we change the outcomes. If we change our outcomes, we change our life for the better.

    Popular self improvement books
    The road less travelled. 少有人走的路
    Emotional first aid. 情绪急救
    Atomic habit. .原子习惯
    Rich dad Poor Dad. 富爸爸穷爸爸
    The Art of thinking clearly. 思维艺术清晰
    Think and growth rich.
    "Thick face" (shamelessness) , "black heart" (ruthlessness)
    etc etc etc

    7) Investing
    Patience - The Mindset Of A successful investors. It is really key in crisis investing. Investing in crisis time is the most rewarding and it will shortened your journey to Financial Freedom.

    Buying into a unit trust can keep investors from falling into this TRAP (investor worst quality is GREED & impatient ) due to their weak emotional behavior. Stay focus & dont let the market volatility affect your investment goal.

    I trust nobody especially some bankers advise. Sometime taking financial advise from the banker to leverage high risk product is like taking medical advice from a "drug dealer".

  24. #174
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    1) The 1st most important is the buy your 1st property as early as possible base on your affordability. Govt BTO HDB flat is your 1st consideration. Private property is your least consideration unless you have the ability to hold for long-term appreciation.

    Never share this in the 1M65 group, most are not ready, everyday talk about SA, OA, MA.

    A lot of NATO, AssUme, half-empty and Property owner who think they are property investor.
    The Best Time to buy Property is Yesterday.
    If you lose Money it because you sell on a wrong Day.

    You don't Buy others will Buy.
    You don't Sell, others will Sell.

  25. #175
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    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    [COLOR=var(--primary-text)][COLOR=var(--primary-text)] Getting regular exercise is important for good physical and mental health. Exercise can help stimulate parts of your brain that aren’t as responsive when you’re feeling depressed. It also promotes the release of feel-good brain chemicals. It may also help distract you from your worries and improve your confidence.



    Famous HK actress had a unhappy marriage which end up in divorce. She overcame adversity (Mild depression) through exercise.

  26. #176
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    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    My exercise routine on weekend. Tennis + hot bath + cold shower. Competitive Badminton betting ($2 only) game + cold shower.

  27. #177
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    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Atomic habit. .原子习惯
    Atomic habit is regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth.

    I have been drinking Japan premium mineral water for the past 5 yrs. It is already become An atomic habit or routine for us to drink it everyday. $60/bottle. Family Consumption 3-4 bottles a mth.
    I get my children to drink water daily to stay health. No Sugary drink like coke even at the restaurant. Only occasionally at Big Mac (once or twice per mth).


  28. #178
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Quote Originally Posted by vimtr888 View Post
    Important Things that a young working adult MUST know

    1) The 1st most important is the buy your 1st property as early as possible base on your affordability . Govt BTO HDB flat is your 1st consideration. Private ppty is your least consideration unless you have the ability to hold for long term appreciation

    2) Income and expense. Liabilities & asset

    Financial management: management=action, finance=result, Finance= Freedom

    Money flow into your POCKET without “PERSONAL GROWTH” (good financial management ) is call “LUCK” or advantageous of being fresh & young. But LUCK will run out.

    Those HK/TW singers/actors & top managerial level become poor at later stage of their life due lack of financial knowledge. They have no idea what are their expenses & liabilities are .They do not know or have no idea how their money flows. They will say they don’t have time for financial planning . What they are actually saying is THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW as I am still earning good money. So It Is not my PRIORITY.

    A financial plan helps you be in control of your income, expenses and investments such that you can manage your money and achieve your financial freedom goal.

    Knowing where your money goes helps u manage our cashflow better. Keep track of your income and expenses. You need a clear understanding of where your money is going, to assess the health of your finances.

    3) Insurance – Critical important financial planning

    Life & health insurance are one of the most important financial products you must buy as early as possible.

    a) Cheap Term insurance include critical illness coverage

    If family members have history of inherited faulty gene like cancer (breast), diabetes etc. Important to buy $300k-$1m cheap term insurance with critical illness for protection as early as possible.

    b) Accident plan. If u work in the high risk sector like Shipyard, construction etc. Be sure you have enough coverage.

    c) Compulsory govt Medishield life (for hospital plan coverage)

    d) Compulsory govt CareShield Life which is a long-term care insurance scheme that provides basic financial support should Singaporeans become severely disabled, especially during old age.

    4) CPF

    It is one of the best scheme for retirement plan in the world. CPF pension is ranked No7 in the world. But I think it should be ranked No1 in the world. Why ? Because it allow the "average Joe" to have $1m at age 55 with a stable job earning 5k/mth till age 55.

    The key to success is to start early as young as possible & be Patience & have faith in our CPF system.

    We need a safety net that we can rely on no matter how adverse our financial situation. This is because our CPF funds will kept safe from any legal liabilities (like bankruptcy ), SCAM or even from your closest family member.

    5) Dopamine, Serotonin & Endorphins- Our body HAPPY Chemical

    Good HEALTH is your the greatest asset. No health no life. Your health and well being should be your No.1 priority.

    Singaporeans were estimated to have spent a grand total of $3b seeking direct medical help for stress-related illnesses a year.

    Dopamine, Serotonin & Endorphins ,HAPPY Chemical in our body can help to keep our body healthy, physically & mentally.

    The following activities show ways to naturally increase & release the HAPPY chemical in our body.

    a) Exercising that make you sweat like HELL.
    Walking, jogging, badminton, tennis intensity fitness workout etc

    This Is What REALLY Happens As You Start Exercising (Animated) - YouTube

    b) Hot Yoga or steam bath or hot jacuzzi follow by cold bath – Very “shiok” remedy for stress & minor insomnia(not sleeping well)

    c) Laughing
    Benefits your health. It is the Best Medicine.

    d) Listen to music
    Music gives your Happy hormones a boost. Listening to instrumental music, especially music that gives you chills & increase dopamine production in your brain.

    Music that boost your energy level

    Music that calm and relax your mind

    Motivational music

    Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now With Lyrics - YouTube

    Music Trigger Specific Memories

    Hatred is the most destructive. You cannot lead a normal life

    Forgiveness is a healing process. An important action that can lead to a place of greater healing and peace. Forgiving, and letting go of anger and resentment, has shown to benefit a person's physical health. A powerful motivational tool. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

    Forgive your boss, Forgive your husband/wife, forgive your friend, forgive your colleague , forgive those try to hurt you.

    6) The VERY important of Reading - For Personal growth.

    To figure out why we are not happy or why we are stuck financially. Only reading self improvement books can get us out of the current predicament. Reading lead to mindset changes. It can really change your life.

    If we change how we think, we change our mindset. If we change our mindset, we change our behaviors. If we change our behaviors, we change our habits. If we change our habits, we change the outcomes. If we change our outcomes, we change our life for the better.

    Popular self improvement books
    The road less travelled. 少有人走的路
    Emotional first aid. 情绪急救
    Atomic habit. .原子习惯
    Rich dad Poor Dad. 富爸爸穷爸爸
    The Art of thinking clearly. 思维艺术清晰
    Think and growth rich.
    "Thick face" (shamelessness) , "black heart" (ruthlessness)
    etc etc etc

    7) Investing
    Patience - The Mindset Of A successful investors. It is really key in crisis investing. Investing in crisis time is the most rewarding and it will shortened your journey to Financial Freedom.

    Buying into a unit trust can keep investors from falling into this TRAP (investor worst quality is GREED & impatient ) due to their weak emotional behavior. Stay focus & dont let the market volatility affect your investment goal.

    I trust nobody especially some bankers advise. Sometime taking financial advise from the banker to leverage high risk product is like taking medical advice from a "drug dealer".

    She was Malaysian (Ipoh) & came from a poor family. People call her "Banana Chinese " because her school languages are in Malay & English. She forced to venture out to search for a better life for her family. Taking 8 hrs bus ride to come to SG with just RM$1000 to look for a job in SG. 17 yrs later. She make it. Her turning point (progress) came when she read RICH DAD POOR DAD.
    Reading lead to mindset changes. f we change our mindset, we change our behaviors. If we change our behaviors, we change our habits. If we change our habits, we change the outcomes. If we change our outcomes, we change our life for the better.

    Our bad habit that causes NECK pain & shoulder aching.
    If we have constant neck pain, we are likely to be unable to sleep well & worst will lead to sleep disorders. Definitely unable to focus on our work. We can get agitate easily & affect our relationship with others. I "exercise" at least once everyday (10 min to 20 mins). It help to relieve the pain in my neck thereby reduce shoulder aching problems. I dont have to go spend thousand of $ for shoulders & body massage. It save me a huge amount of money in long run. The cervical neck traction (block) cost > $100. It is worth the money.



    [COLOR=var(--primary-text)][COLOR=var(--primary-text)]Our bad



  29. #179
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph

    Life experience of 50years old+ Man - Part I

    I've been living for more than 50+ yrs. As I grow older I become more wiser through collective good & bad mistakes experience.
    Here are the Life Lessons.

    财商思维 Financial mindset thinking or understanding

    What is financial mindset thinking? It is to use your financial understanding to improve the chances of being poor leading to a better state of financial good health.

    Four main asset appreciation will increase in the value over time
    1. Real estate – govt HDB & Pte ppty
    2. Investment – Global blue Stock , equity & bond Unit trust fund
    3. Guarantee CPF SA/RA 4%-6% compounded return.
    4. Your "brain" - Continuous learning & upgrading of knowledge

    Difficulties (obstacle) to overcome in financial thinking:
    1. Fear of change
    2. Cynical; distrustful (especially CPF)
    3. Idleness (not hard working).
    4. Bad habits. Procrastination.


    Young low income earner think that their salary is not high. So it is difficult to do financial planning .The lower income earner you are, the more you have to start asap. Financial planning has to do with TIME factor. Let time be on your side when you are at young age.
    Most high income earner think that financial mgmt is only related to $ .They have plenty of time as they are still young & can start to save at a later stage . So it is not their 1st priority.

    The company you work for promise you job today but never promised you job tomorrow. So be prepared for rainy days. No matter how well you’re doing, you’ve got to be prepared.To assume that one’s job security , prosperity and fortunes will last is a foolish way to live. It is during the good times that we should prepare ourselves for leaner times. Spending $ (car, more holiday, fine dinning) can only satisfy temporary desires, but saving (To invest wisely & CPF SA) $ can satisfy future desires (travel the world in 100days).

    If you really want to accumulate your retirement life smoothly. You really have to let time be on your side.You must remind yourself of the urgency. Act early & let time compound interest help you effectively accumulate wealth.

    Property – BTO flat

    Buy the biggest 5 rm flat BTO flat is your NO.1st priority. Set a Preferable goal to have your own house before age 40.

    Your house eventually may either rent out or under the lease buyback HDB scheme (if need arise) when you are approaching retirement. You will be paid monthly for the next 15-25 yrs.

    How can my HDB flat help in my retirement? - YouTube.
    The Lease Buyback Scheme - How does it work? - YouTube

    Private prperty is your least consideration unless you have the ability to hold for long term appreciation. You can upgrade later once you are in better financial state.
    5rm BTO flat (2006) @260k. Valuation now $680k-730k. Upgrade to New condo or resale condo is possible.

    Never buy a NEW car before your 1st property . The cost of owning a car over A 10-Year period is the highest in the world.

    Insurance – Critical important financial planning

    When you are young and healthy you probably won’t even consider your health as important . You never never imagine that one day they could get diabetes or cholesterol problems as you neglect your health .

    Accidents and critical illnesses are two main factors that cause poverty.

    a) Loss of income from work and medical expenses for many months due to serious accidents.

    b) When an unfortunate critical illness diagnosis happens. The savings of 20-30yrs will be wiped out, and it will overnight to become impoverished due it.

    Cheap Term insurance ($300k-$1m) critical illness coverage.
    If Family members have history of inherited faulty gene like cancer (breast), diabetes , Hepatitis B which affects the liver etc. It is even more critical to buy protection.

    Accident plan.
    If u work in the high risk sector like Shipyard, construction site , required constant travelling on the road (motorbike) . Be sure you have enough coverage.

    CPF one of the best scheme for retirement plan in the world.

    The key to success is to start early as young as possible & be Patience & have faith in our CPF system. We need a safety net that we can rely on no matter how adverse our financial situation. Our CPF funds will kept safe from any legal liabilities (like bankruptcy ), SCAM or even from your closest family member.

    Age 35 (earning > $6k/mth).
    CPF OA = 80k CPF SA = 200k CPF MA =63k

    At age 55 (Still working) CPF OA = >700k CPF SA = >800k
    Compound Interest Calculator (

    At age 55, he can do CPF SA shielding to maximize his return in his CPF OA/ SA/RA.

    Income is like a river & wealth is your reservoir

    CPF RA will be one of your perpetual stream of income at age 65

    CPF OA/SA will be like your “one of your water reservoir" ready to use anytime

    When one's own wealth (CPF SA/RA) accumulates to a critical point (big amt) , it will have an inflection point & the subsequent growth rate (compounded) will become faster and bigger every year. The opposite is your credit card debt.

    All people are the same. It is their HABITs that carry them far apart.Your habits will determine your future.

    Have a good housekeeping Habits to ensure a cleaned , well organized tidy home.

    Seeing piles of laundry or necessities items all over your home can cause stress .Removing things that we don’t want as Clutter really makes it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally at home. Minimalist homes is to keep it simple. Clean & neater home mean inner peace of mind. You can focus more efficiently.

    Use Aromatherapy ( lavender) combine with GREAT relaxing soothing. It slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure and even decreases levels of stress hormones -- any music that you love will flood your brain with feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine.
    Good feeling atmosphere thereby Better quality of life.

    Beautiful Fantasy Music with Ethereal Voices, Cello & Piano • Unknown Lands by Peder B. Helland - YouTube.

    Good music is like therapy for health. It is often linked to mood. A certain song can make us feel happy, sad, energetic, or relaxed. It has a positive medicinal effects. It can help you adjust that attitude. It is a mood booster. When a great song energizes your motivation, you can go farther with less effort. Listen it many times. 10 times or 100 times,

    Good Habits of workout . Invest in your health

    Regular exercise prevents your body from "rusting" and makes yourself healthier.

    Build Mental Strength & Mood Booster and Confidence
    If U experiencing a simple case of the Monday blues or more persistent symptoms of stress which may lead to depression, exercise can help boost your mood

    It helps break bad habits like smoking, temperamental ,eating disorder due to high stress.

    Dopamine, Serotonin & Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain. It can help to keep our body healthy, physically & mentally.

    So Pick up a exercise activities to start you’re your journey to a physical & mental healthy life. An exercising activities that make you sweat like HELL.

    It is important to have my kids to be active in sport. So I enrolled them for a weekly badminton lesson & probably tennis lesson when they are ready instead of giving them unnecessary more extra tuition.

    Habits of drinking water (2-3 litre) daily

    Most of us don’t know that WATER play a great important role in our health. No health no wealth.
    The more you consume water everyday. The more your body will stay much healthier.

    a) Protecting organs (kidney, lever etc ) and skin tissues
    b) It helps fight off common illness
    c) Decreased risk of developing diabetes
    d) Improve your skin complexion thereby anti aging.
    e) Help to Flush out toxins and waste
    f) Relieve constipation. Better digestion
    g )Normalizing blood pressure ,thereby reduce hypertension which reduce heart attack risk.

    To get my children the ATOMIC habits of drinks water to stay health. I chose Japan natural alkaline water which taste much better, the natural, smooth taste of water. They like the taste. Consume estimate 4 bottles per mth (1 bot=20litres=$30).
    Cristiano Ronaldo HATES Coca-Cola - YouTube

    Reading habit & learning - Brain Asset

    学 学学 一定要学习. 天天学 每天坚持学习

    We should pay attention to reading and learning. When you buy the books, read & write it down to learn the strategies or method that is being taught in the book. Attend as many “Free” short seminar in the market. Pay a few hundred $ to attend self improvement course using govt fund provided.

    To figure out why we are not happy or why we are stuck financially. It is only reading self improvement books can get us out of the current predicament. Reading lead to mindset changes. If we change how we think, we change our mindset. If we change our mindset, we change our behaviors. If we change our behaviors, we change our habits. If we change our habits, we change the outcomes. If we change our outcomes, we change our life for the better.

    心态一变,人生就变When the mindset changes, life changes

    Popular self improvement books
    The road less travelled. 少有人走的路
    Emotional first aid. 情绪急救
    Atomic habit. .原子习惯
    Rich dad Poor Dad. 富爸爸穷爸爸
    The Art of thinking clearly. 思维艺术清晰
    Think and growth rich.
    "Thick face" (shamelessness) , "black heart" (ruthlessness)
    The power of NOW
    A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind

    Signs that you will more likely to be successful
    1. You are willing to work harder & sacrifice more than others
    吃得苦中苦,方为人上人Enduring deepening pain is how man ascends.

    2. You are curious & just read & learn non-stop

    Knowledge Changes Fate

    3. You can handle problems & move on easily

    4 You don’t care about what others think of you

    5. You are good with money and have a wealth mindset

    6. You know the good habits of exercise

    Life experience of 50years old+ Man - Part II

    Investing & Emotional – sometimes it can MAKE OR BREAT (depression).
    The factor which decides whether it will succeed or fail.

  30. #180
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: Life is a struggle.You struggle ... again & again. And one day, you triumph . Amazing beautiful & calm music.
    Covid19 pandemic is a difficult times of uncertainty, fear and anguish.
    Darkness has come & will go away. Believe and you will find your way. Amazing beautiful & calm music. A perfect beautiful melody Weekend Joke to share with you.
    We are not perfect. We do made mistakes . Sometimes, we must learn to admit our mistakes and A man must be big enough to admit your mistakes.


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